Learning Flashcards
classical conditioning (respondent, pavlonian) E. B. twitmyer
ivan pavlov
classical conditioning of an aversion to a taste that has been associated w a noxious stimulus
kids who get chemo
conditioned taste adversion
replace one CR to a stimulus w another (usually incompatible) response
alcohol- antabuse
fear, anxiety, phobias
counter conditioning
form of CC that involves learning to relax in presence of feared object
counter conditioning
process of learning to avoid an unpleasant stimulus
avoidance conditioning
this treats the symptoms, not the underlying problems
avoidance conditioning
celebrity’s in ads
pavlovs legacy (association)
learning by making mistakes, until you find the correct solution
trial and error
used cats for research
puzzle box: 5 cats involved, 3 trials (time and errors)
got faster with less mistakes each time
edward L thorndike
behavior followed by satisfying is strengthened
annoying led to weakened
law of effect
BF skinner
rats and pigeons
operant conditioning
relationship between behaviors and concequences
same as law of effect
behavioral contingencies
strengthening of SR relationship by following the response with reinforcement
what happens after subject responds (respect or no)
stimulus that increases the probability of the response it follows reoccurringly
same as puzzle box but attempt to get food
skinner box
gradually teach a behavior in step by step process
reinforcement of successive approximations
positively reinforce each behavior in a sequence
tendency to make the same response to similar stimuli
other bell sounds made the dogs salivate
tendency to respond to similar stimuli in different ways
the dying out of an established conditioned response as a result of presenting the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus
remember the dinosaurs
the stronger the CR, the longer extinction takes
some CRs are difficult to extinguish
reappearance after a period of time of a conditioned response that has been subjected to extinction
spontaneous recovery
a form of learning in which a neutral stimulus (bell) comes to elicit a response (salivation) after being associated with a stimulus (meat) that already elicits that response (salivation)
classical conditioning
stimulus that automatically elicits a particular unconditioned response (meat)
unconditioned stimulus
unlearned, automatic response to a particular conditioned stimulus (salivation)
unconditioned response
a neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a particular conditioned response after being paired with a particular unconditioned stimulus that already elicits that response (bell)
conditioned stimulus
the new, learned response given to a particular conditioned stimulus (salivation)
conditioned response
which is weaker CR or UCR
the greater the intensity of the UCS and the greater the number of pairings of CS and UCS…
the greater the strength of conditioning
what is important between CS and UCS
time interval
CS presenter first and remains until atleast onset of UCS
ideal time for CS to occur is 1/2 second before UCS
delayed conditioning
CS presented first and ends before onset of UCS
requires that a memory trace of CS be retained until onset of UCS
trace conditioning
CS and UCS presented together
simultaneous conditioning
onset of UCS precedes onset of CS
backward conditioning
produces strong conditioning, trace conditioning produces moderately strong conditioning
delayed conditioning
produces weak conditioning, while backward is least effective
simultaneous conditioning
social learning theory/ observational learning
albert bandura
maintained that new behavior is learned primarily though observation and imitation
called a person whom we use as an example of how to behave a model
if a subject is rewarded for imitating models behavior, it will be strengthened
can promote undesirable as well as desirable behaviors
social learning theory / observational learning
social learning theory
preschool kids watching adults interact with bobo
classic study
wolfgang kohler
the relatively sudden perception of relationships that results in the prompt solution of a problem
classic study of insight
aha experience
an active process that involves organizing info, making comparisons, and forming new associations
cognitive learning
focuses on the internal, mental processing of info
blend of S-R and gestalt psychology
recent decades- cognitive revolution in learning theory in psychology
cognitive learning
latent learning
cognitive map
edward chase tolman
learning that occurs without the reinforcement of overt behavior
latent learning
learning is not immediately revealed in performance but is revealed later when reinforcement is provided for performance
classic study with three groups of rats running maze
latent learning
a mental map formed when a subject learns the makeup of its environment and is then able to find its way around in it
learn what to expect in a situation “what leads to what”
cognitive map
felt that rats formed cognitive maps in learning to run maze but didn’t use it until reinforced for doing so
modern day example of cognitive map
brain researcher leslie hart
for optimal effectiveness, reinforce the correct response as soon as possible
immediacy effect
reinforce all correct responses
reinforce some but not all correct responses
intermittent (partial)
which results in faster learning
which is more resistant to extinction
set number of correct responses
fixed ratio
set time period
fixed interval
changing number of correct responses
variable ratio
changing time period
variable interval
which is more resistant to extinction
a direct, automatic, unlearned reinforcer which satisfies a biological need
food, water
a conditioned reinforcer that becomes reinforcing by being associated with a primary reinforcer
reward of money
attempt to change undesired behaviors through use of OC principles
token economy
behavior modification
learning new material with OC principles
skinner said it would double learning
programmed instruction
step by step
go at your own pace
immediate reinforcement
active responding
advantages of OC
missing social interaction
need motivation
disadvantage of OC
learn to voluntarily regulate bodily functions
high blood pressure, migraines
already justifiable activity becomes over justified by promise of added reward
over justification effect