intelligence Flashcards
each school district in PA is required to develop and implement a system to locate and identify all students within the district who are in need of specially designed instruction
includes individuals with an IQ of 130 or above
indicated by an intelligence score of 79 or below
difficulty adapting to the demands of life
apparent before age 18
formally called mental retardation (changed by rosas law in 2010)
intellectual disability
estimated 2% of the population
great majority are not institutionalized
list the levels of low IQ scores in order
IQ range from 50-70 (85%)
IQ range from 35-49 (10%)
IQ range from 20-34 (3-4%)
IQ range below 20 (1-2%)
old diagnostic terms for those with a low IQ
IQ 25-49
previously called trainable mentally retarded
life skills
includes IQ 50-80
previously called educable mentally retarded
learning support
8-10 repetitions
25-35 repetitions
atleast 1000 repetitions
intellectual disability
condition not a disease
intellectual disability
delayed breathing; bleeding within brain; result of instruments used to assist difficult deliveries
cardiac arrests due to near drowning, heart attacks, operations
injury before, during, shortly after birth
poisonous substances
biochemical factors
genetic chromosomal factors
premature birth
various prenatal environmental influences
glandular deficiency
severe early malnutrition
cultural-familial intellectual disability
causes of low IQ
what percentage of individuals with intellectual disability can become self supporting
about 75% of all causes of intellectual disability are caused by this type of sociocultural deprivation including almost all individuals in the mild level
cultural familial intellectual disability
formerly known as mongolism
down syndrome
ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
can IQ scores predict success in schools
at what level of schooling can IQ scores best predict performance
classifications of IQ
average IQ score
100: dead set average
gifted IQ score
intellectual disability IQ score
below 70
% of people with an average IQ score
%of people who are gifted or intellectually disabled
3 reasons said to be the cause of african americans having a lower score than white americans
tests discriminatory
what does an “A” in a city high school equate to in an urban high school
howard gardner
7 intelligence
theory of multiple intelligence
intelligence of the physical self. includes talent in controlling ones body movements and also in handling objects skillfully. hands on people who have good tactile sensitivity, need to move their bodies frequently, and have “gut reactions” to things
bodily kinesthetic
ability to understand and work with people. requires a capacity to perceive and respond to the moods, temperaments, intentions, and desires of others
can easily access their own feelings, discriminate between many different kinds of inner emotional states, and use her self understanding to enrich and guide their life
ability to reason, sequence, think in terms of cause and effect, create hypothesis, look for conceptual regularities or numerical patterns, enjoy a generally rational outlook on life
logical mathematical
capacities to perceive, appreciate, and produce rhythms and melodies. has a good ear, can sing in tune and keep time with music, and can listen to different musical selections with some degree of discernment
musical rhythmic
deals with intuitive relationships between nature and the world of physical and life force species. has the ability to make acute discriminations among objects or phenomena
can argue, persuade, entertain, or instruct effectively through the spoken word. read voraciously, write clearly, and can gain meaning in other ways from the medium of print
verbal linguistic
thinks in pictures and images and has the ability to perceive, transform, and recreate different aspects of the world.
visual spatial
a method for assessing an individuals mental aptitude’s and comparing them with others, using numerical scores
intelligence test
a test designed to assess what a person has learned
achievement test
a test designed to predict a persons future performance; the capacity to learn
altitude test
new methods for diagnosing the idiot, imbisul, and moron
goal was to measure each child’s mental age
alfred binet
theodore simon
a measure of intelligence test performance devised by binet
average mental age of an 8 year old is 8
mental age
adapted some of binets original items, added others, and established new age norms
lewis tremin
the widely used american revision of binets original intelligence test
done by terman at standford university
stanford- binet
defined originally as the ratio of mental age (m) to chronological age (ca) multiplied by 100
average score is 100
intelligence quotient
francis galtons much criticized nineteenth century movement that proposed measuring human traits and using the results to encourage only smart and fit people to reproduce
created the most widely used individual intelligence test
david wechster
a general intelligence factor that, according to spearman’s and others, underlines specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test
(g) general intelligence
a condition in which a person otherwise limited in metal ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as in computation or drawing
savant syndrome
a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of related items
factor analysis
an opponent of spearman
gave 56 different tests to people and mathematically identified 7 clusters of primary mental abilities
LL thurstone
identified 8 relatively independent intelligences
9th is called existential intelligence
howard gardner
about 4 in 5 are male
many are also on the autism spectrum
gardner’s 8 intelligences
sevant syndrome
agrees with gardner that there are multiple intelligences
triarchic theory
robert sternberg
analytical intelligence
creative intelligence
practical intelligence
triarchic theory
academic problem solving
assessed by intelligence tests that have problems with a single correct answer
analytical intelligence
innovative smarts
the ability to generate novel (unfamiliar) ideas
creative intelligence
required for everyday tasks that are not well-defined and have many possible solutions
practical intelligence
agreed on two important points
multiple abilities can contribute to success
differing levels of gifted ness add spice to life and challenges for education
gardner and sternberg
the ability to understand, perceive, manage, and use emotions
emotional intelligence
indicates the average persons intelligence score in 1920
today would be considered a 76
the higher 20th century birthdates among lower scores would push human intelligence scores downward
flynn effect
defining uniform testing procedures and meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested group
the bell shaped curve that describes the distribution of meaningful scores with the comparison of a pretested group
normal curve
the extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, or on retesting
the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to
the extent to which a test samples the behavior that is of interest
content validity
the success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict; assessed by computing the correlation between test scores and criteria on behavior
predictive validity
our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age
crystallized intelligence
our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood
fluid intelligence
a self confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype
stereotype threat
where did the family move to
bills new homeowner
little girls name