Unit 1 (Modules 4-5) Flashcards
Elements getting cycled through the sphere, transforming matter
How many biochemical cycles are there?
Carbon cycle
The movement of carbon around the biosphere amoung reservoir sources and sinks
What is the process of the Carbon Cycle
Photosynthesis, respiration, exchange, sedimentation, burial,extraction and combustion
Aerobic Respiration (Cellular Respiration)
The process by which cells convert glucose and oxygen into enegery, carbon dioxide and water
-C+02 = CO2
Steady State
When a systems inputs equal their outputs, so that system is not changing over time
-> All in balance: Pre Industrial Revolution
Greenhouse Gases
Gases in Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat near the surface, allowing for the earth to remain warm enough for life
Global Warming
The increases in global temperature due to humans production more greenhouse gases
Biogeochemical Cycles
The movement of matter within and between ecosystems involving cycles of biological and chemical processes
The components of the biogeochemical cycles that contain the matter, including air, water and organisms
Limiting Nutrient
A nutrient required for the growth of an organism but available in a lower quantity compared to other nutrients
Nitrogen Cycle
The movement of nitrogen around the biosphere amoung resivoirs sources and sinks
Nitrogen Fixation
The process that converts nitrogen gas in the atmosphere (N2) into forms of nitrogen that plants and algae can use
What is the chemical process for nitrogen fixation
N2 - NH3 - NH4+
NH4+ - no2 _ - NO 3 _ = USABLE IONS
NO 2 - cannot be used directly from atmosphere NH3 = Ammonia
The conversion of ammonia (NH4+ ) into nitrate (NO-2) and then into nitrate (NO3-)
A process by which plants and algae incorporate nitrogen into their tissue
The process by which fungal and bacterial decomposters break down the organic matter found in dead bodies and waste products and convert organic compounds back into inorganic compounds such as inorganic ammonium (NH4+)
The conversion of nitrate (NH3-) in a series of steps into gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and eventually nitrogen gas (N2) which is admitted into the atmosphere (Opposite of nittrication)
An environment that lacks oxygen
An environment with abundant oxygen
A process in which dissolved molecules are transported through the soil via groundwater
Phosphorus Cycles
The movement of phosphorus around the biosphere amoung resivoirs sources and sinks
Phosphorus Cycles
The movement of phosphorus around the biosphere amoung resivoirs sources and sinks
Phosphorus is a ———— ———————- especially in aquatic environments
Limiting nutrient
Phosphorus is a ———— ———————- especially in aquatic environments
Limiting nutrient
What are major resivoirs that involve the carbon cycle
Rock and sediment
What are major resivoirs that involve the carbon cycle
Rock and sediment
What is phosphorus tightly held by?
- Not easilyy leached into water bodies
What is Phosphurus form
What is the abiotic process of phosphorus
Sedimentation, geological uplift, weathering
How do humans add phosphurus?
- Synthetic fertilizers
- Detergents
What happens when you increase amount of phosphurus?
INCREASE: Alter plant communities
Decrease of plants can cause decrease in the animal species that depend on it for food
Hydronic Cycles
The movement of water around the biosphere amoung the resivoirs sources and sinks
The water plants. Release on their leaves that get evaporated into atmosphere
The combined amount of evaporation and transpiration
Water that moves across the land surfaces into streams and rivers
- LEads to flooding or things washing away
Water is a..?
Universal Disssolvant
What does water play a key role in moving?
Other elements dissolved in it, like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphurus
What are key things to remember about the phosphurus cycle?
- Not in atmosphere
- Biosphere, Hydrosphere, geosphere
- Adds to nutrification
- Humans increase amounts of P