Unit 1 (Modules 1-3) Flashcards
All living portions of the earth
All living portions of the earth
Community ecology
The study of interactions among species
Two species living in a close and longterm association with one another in an ecosystem
Living Factors
Non - Living Factors
What do competing species respond to?
Limited resources -> Competion (This is between two different organisms)
The struggle of individuals, either within or between species, to obtain a shared limited resource
Competitive Exclusions Prinicipal
The prinicipal stating that 2 species competing for the same limiting resource cannot co-exist
What do plant species influence
The distribution and abundance of other plant species
Resource Partitioning
Organisms living in the same place that has different habitats (Morphology)
- The ones with adaption and variation are the ones that survive
Occurs when one animal kills and consumes another animal, in order to consume their energy
- Crucial role in their ecosystem by regulating prey population
An interaction where one organism lives on another organism, consuming a small fraction of the host in order to keep it alive (Winner + Loser)
A parasite that can cause disease in its host
An interaction in which an animal consumes plants and algae
An interaction between two species that increase the chances of survival or reproduction for both species. Both benefit from the interaction
Process of using solar energy to convert water (H20) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into glucose (C6H1206)
What is the element name for water
What is the element name for carbon
What is the element name for glucose
An interaction between two species in which one species benefit and the other species is neither harmed nor helped.
Native species
A species that lives in its historical range, typically where it has lived for thousands or millions of years
Exotic Species
A species living outside its historical range
(Alien Species)
A regional of the world where particular plants and animals can be found
Terrestrial Biome
A geographic region of land categorized by a particular combination of average annual temperature, annual precipitation, and distinctive plant growth forms
An area where a particular species lives in nature, not charecterized by plants
(Impact on distribution of natural resources)
How many terrestrial biomes are there?
A cold treeless biome with low growing vegetation
What are some features of a tundra?
- Coldest of all biomes
- Very Dry
- Most North
- No trees prevent deep rooted plants from
HUMAN THREAT: Melting Permafrost
A frozen layer of soil that prevents drainage
A forest biome made up of primarily of confrerous evergreen trees that can tolerate cold winters and short growing seasons (Borreal Forest)
What are some features of Tagia biome?
- Northeastern or high latitudes
- HUMAN THREAT: Etensivley logged, mining, extraction of oil and grass
Temperate Rainforest
A coastal biome typified by moderate temperatures and high precipitation
What are features of a Temperate Rainforest
-Northwest and Southwest
- 12 month growing season
- Large Trees
HUMAN THREAT: Deforestation
What are features of a Temperate Rainforest
-Northwest and Southwest
- 12 month growing season
- Large Trees
HUMAN THREAT: Deforestation
Temperate Seasonal Rainforest
A biome with warm summers and cold winters, with over 1m of annual precipitation
Temperate Seasonal Rainforest
A biome with warm summers and cold winters
What are some features of Temeprate Seasonal Rainforest
- mild climates
- AKA Temp - Dedideous Forest
- HUMAN THREAT: b/c so productive typically 1st to be used for agriculture
A biome charecterized by hot, dry summers and mild rainy winters (woodland)
What are features of a shrubland?
- 12 month growing season
- Summer: Favors wildfires; plants adapted to fire and drought
HUMAN THREAT: frequent fires
Temperate Grassland
A biome charecterized by cold, harsh winters, and hot, dry summers (Cold Dessert)
What are features of a Temperate Grassland?
- Mild Climates
- Seasons
- Dry
-Deep Rooted plants: grasses, no flowering plants - 98% of tall grass prairie is converted to agriculture
Tropical Rainforest
A warm and wet biome found between 20 N and 20 South of the equator, with little seasonal temperature variation and high percipition,
- Soil is poor -> b/c decomposition is so rapid
What are some features of Tropical Rainforest
- hot
- high vegetation
- lots of rain
- HUMAN THREAT: Deforestation for agriculture
A biome marked by warm temperatures and distinct wet and dry seasons (tropical seasonal Rainforest)
What are some features of a Savnna?
- Safari
- HUMAN THREAT: Convert land to agriculture
- Fairly fertile -> Lack of Precipitation -> Contrains plants from taking nutrients
Hot Desseret
- A biome charecterized by hot temperatures, extremely dry conditions, sparse vergetation
What are some features of a hot desseret?
- Hot
- Dry
- Little Vegetation
HUMAN THREAT: Climate change, draining of underground water for human use - 30 N 30 S
Where is the greatest biodiversity?
Near the Equator
- Greatest productivity
- Photosynthesis is high
Freshwater Biomes
Streams, Rivers, lake, and wetlands
Marine Biomes
Estuaries, coral reefs, and the open ocean
Salt water meets meets fresh water
How much of the earth is covered in water
70 %
- Not all accessible
How much of the earth is covered in water
70 %
- Not all accessible
What is the Water flow rate?
Streams -> Rivers -> Lake or Open Ocean
Littoral Zone
The shallow zone of the soil and water in lakes and ponds near the shore where most algae and emergent plants such as cattails grow
Limnetic Zone
A zone of open water in lakes and ponds as deep as sunlight can penetrate
Floating Alage
Profundal Zone
A region of water where sunlight does not reach, below the limnetic zone in very deep lakes
Benthic Zone
The muddy bottom of the lake,pond or even ocean beneath the limnetic and profunal zone
Benthic Zone
The muddy bottom of the lake,pond or even ocean beneath the limnetic and profunal zone
Describes a lake with low levels of phystoplankton due to nutrients in water
Describes lakes with a moderately levered of fertility
Describes lake with high levels of fertility
Dead zone, no oxygen, no sunlight, no food for other organisms,
Dead zone, no oxygen, no sunlight, no food for other organisms,
Freshwater Wetland
An aquatic biome that is submerged or saturated by water for at least part of the year, but shallow enough support emergent vegetation
Freshwater Wetland
An aquatic biome that is submerged or saturated by water for at least part of the year, but shallow enough support emergent vegetation
Features of a Freshwater Wetland
- Most productive biome
- Provided critical Ecological Service - takes large amount of water, prevents flooding, provides habitats filters pollutants rechargeing groundwater
-HUMAN THREAT: Drained for agriculture
An area along coast where the fresh water of rivers mix with salt water from ocean
Salt Marshes
Found in coastal in temperate climates, marshes containing nonwoody emergent vegetation
Mangrove Swamp
A swamp that occurs in tropical +subtropical coastal, contains salt tolerant trees -> roots submerged in water
What are features of Mangrove Swamp
- Protectant coastline from erosion and storm damage
-Nutrient Rich - HUMAN THREAT: Destruction of Habiatat
Internal Zone
Narrow band coastline that exists between high tide and low tide levels
Coral Reefs
Represents Earths most diverse marine biome, and are found in water, shallow waters beyond the shoreline in tropical regions
Coral Bleeching
A phenomenon in which algae inside coral to turn to white
Algae dies -> Coral turns white -> dies
Tiny animals which secrete CaCO3 to form external skeleton
- Live in nutrient poor water
- Symbotic relationship with algae
Open Ocean
Deep- Ocean, located away from the shoreline where sunlight can no longer reach the ocean bottom
Photic Zone
The upper layer of ocean water in the ocean enough sunlight for photosynthesis
-Phytoplankton based of food web
Photic Zone
The upper layer of ocean water in the ocean enough sunlight for photosynthesis
-Phytoplankton based of food web
Aphotic Zone
The deeper layer of ocean water that lacks sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis
Aphotic Zone
The deeper layer of ocean water that lacks sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis
A process 9used by some bacteria to generate energy with menthane and hydrogen sulfide
- Bacteria: H2SO4CH4