Unit 1 - Cognitive Development Flashcards
The ability of the brain to change and adapt over time (creation of new and pruning of old neurons.)
Critical Periods
Specific periods where certain experiences MUST happen in order for normal development (ex. imprinting or hearing specific sounds
Sensitive Periods
Certain periods of brain development which are optimal for learning particular things.
Infant Attachment
First close emotional relationship an infant has. They become attached to someone who can fulfill their physical needs and need for attention
Privation (Attachment)
When a child never attaches to someone - can cause permanent emotional damage.
Mental structures that an individual uses to organize knowledge
Assimilation (Piaget)
New experiences combined with existing schemas
Accommodation (Piaget)
New experiences alter or create new schema
Sensorimotor (4 Stages)
0-2 years, Senses and action, Object permenance
Preoperational (4 Stages)
2-7 years, Language and Mental Images,
Concrete Operational (4 Stages)
7-12 years, Logical and categorical thinking, Transformation of math functions, Conservation of Mass
Formal Operational (4 Stages)
12+, Abstract thinking, Symbolism, Scientific Reasoning