Unit 1 AC1.1 Analyse different types of crime Flashcards
White-Collar Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
People with the funds to invest in a finance scheme like early retired workers.
People recruited to a Ponzi scheme by acquaintances.
People of respectability and high standard, working in commercial employment.
Low because they are relatively uncommon and hard to prosecute.
Criminal - taking money from investors to use as your own.
Moral Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Thought to be victimless, but the offender and victim can be the same person.
Can be the same person as the victim, but often are in a financial or personal struggle.
Low as crimes are hidden from the offenders’ families and the public. Often ignored out of sympathy for the offender.
Both - acts such as drug use are illegal but acts such as prostitution actually have no laws forbidding it.
State Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Citizens of a country or people with a different political viewpoint of the government.
High-ranking government officials under regime orders.
Although uncommon they are usually high because of the speed of current-day media reporting.
Both - Deviant to the country if there aren’t any laws against it but most would see it as criminal.
Technological Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Anyone with access to the internet either individuals or large organisations.
Anyone with basic knowledge of the internet, likely based overseas with an ability to gain access to bank accounts and credit cards.
At first awareness was low due to the technological element, but promotion of crimes has attracted a lot of media coverage and raised awareness of these crimes.
Criminal - gaining access to other people’s personal information or impersonation is illegal across the world.
Hate Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Anyone persecuted for their race, sexuality, gender, disability or religion
Anyone who has a prejudice against people under one of these five strands and carrying traditional views different from the victim’s
Started growing due to the amount of social media focus the topic gathers.
Criminal - causing physical or mental harm to somebody for something out of their control.
Honour Crime Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Typically, a young female within a family, usually a daughter from an Asian family, or someone who doesn’t follow their family’s strict beliefs.
Typically, a male member of a family such as the victim’s brother, father or uncle. More commonly from Asian communities
Low level of awareness because of differences in culture. Crimes are also uncommon and usually hidden well from others
Both - Deviant in the culture of the family but criminal if committed in a country that doesn’t follow the same culture.
Domestic Abuse Potential Victims? Who is the offender? Level of Public Awareness? Is this Deviant or Criminal? Why?
Usually women such as girlfriends and wives but men can be victims too although that is less uncommon.
Typically, a male partner like a boyfriend or husband commits the crime but wives and girlfriends can also commit this type of crime.
Low level because no-one usually speaks out or discovers the crime ever happened.
Criminal - Physical or mental abuse of another individual is illegal.
Ponzi Scheme
Ponzi scheme - A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return with little risk to investors. The Ponzi scheme generates returns for early investors by acquiring new investors. This is similar to a pyramid scheme in that both are based on using new investors’ funds to pay the earlier backers.
National Crime Agency
National Crime Agency (NCA) - The National Crime Agency is a national law enforcement agency in the United Kingdom. It is the UK’s lead agency against organised crime; human, weapon and drug trafficking; cyber crime; and economic crime that goes across regional and international borders, but can be tasked to investigate any crime.
Crown Prosecution Service
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) - The Crown Prosecution Service is the principal public agency for conducting criminal prosecutions in England and Wales. It is headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Dark Figure of Crime
Dark Figure of Crime - The dark figure of crime is a term employed by criminologists and sociologists to describe the amount of unreported or undiscovered crime.
Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.
Phishing - the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.
Vagrancy - the state of living as a vagrant; homelessness.
Prostitution - Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment. Prostitution is sometimes described as sexual services, commercial sex or, colloquially, hooking.
European Convention of Human Rights
European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) - The European Convention on Human Rights is an international convention to protect human rights and political freedoms in Europe. Drafted in 1950 by the then newly formed Council of Europe, the convention entered into force on 3 September 1953.
Fraud - Fraud is defined as a criminal deception committed by a person who acts in a false and deceitful way. There are a string of offences under a variety of legislation and essentially the suspect will demonstrate some form of dishonesty and/or deception.
Morals - standards of behaviour; principles of right and wrong within society.