unclassified poxvirus Flashcards
ulcerative dermatosis of sheep
-CS (what 2 forms)
transmits via infection through damaged skin or coitus
CS: lesions are ulcers with raw crater that bleeds easily - lip and leg ulceration: lesions on lips and legs
venereal form: lesions around genitalia
venereal form: transmitted ulceration of prepuce and penis or vulva, ram may become unfit for breeding
diagnosis of POXVIRUSES
CS, sampling material (scrapings from skin, vesicular fluid, crusts, scabs), electron microscopy, histopathology, inoculation in embryonated egg (EXCEPT PARAPOXVIRUS DOES NOT REPLICATAION IN CHICKEN EMBRYO), serological assay such as ELISA, PCR
EM: orthopoxviruses are brick shaped, parapoxvirus are ovoid
histopath: presence of characteristic inclusion bodies
1. type B or Guarnieri inclusion bodies: most poxviruses induce the presence of these - slightly basophilic and composed of viral particles and protein aggretages
2. type A or ATI inclusion bodies: cowpox and ectromelia virus induce this type, strongly eosinophilic
3. bollinger and borrel bodies in avipoxvirus