UE MMT Flashcards
Serratus anterior testing position
Sitting with shoulder flexed to 130º
Below fair position for serratus
Therapist takes weight of arm- ask pt to lift arm, scap should maintain abd/upward rotation
Palpation point for serratus
Along lower borders of scap with web space at inferior angle
Upper trap/levator scap testing position
Sitting with arms at sides
Substitutions for upper trap/levator scap
Watch hands pushing down on legs or surface
Rhomboids - see add/upward rotation
Middle trap testing position
Prone with shoulder at 90º abduction and elbow at 90º
Where do you apply resistance while testing middle trap if post delt is weak?
Over scapula. Otherwise, proximal to elbow
Below fair scoring for middle trap
Therapist takes weight of arm
Ask for scap adduction
= poor grade and lose the grades around that
Substitution for midddle trap
Rhomboids - downward rotation with add
Lower trap testing position
Prone: arm abducted 145º
Forearm midposition with thumb pointing to ceiling
Where to apply resistance while testing lower trap if shoulder is weak?
Over scap - push upwards and outwards
Below fair for lower trap
No gravity eliminated - therapist takes weight of arm
Rhomboids testing position
Prone: shoulder internally rotated, arm adducted with elbow flexed, hand on back
Gravity minimized position for rhomboids
Short sitting
Where to palpate rhomboids?
Deep under vertebral border of scap
Rhomboids substitutions
Humeral extension if elbow leads
Middle trap - see add without rot
3 muscles responsible for shoulder flexion
Ant delt
Shoulder flexion testing position
Sitting: shoulder flexed to 90º, neutral rotation elbow slightly flexed with forearm pronated
Below fair for shoulder flexion
Side lying with therapist supporting weight of arm OR partial range in short sitting
Subs for shoulder flexion
Trunk should remain upright
Biceps - ER
Upper trap - elevation
Pec major - horizontal adduction
3 muscles responsible for shoulder extension
Lat dorsi, teres major, post delt
Shoulder extension testing position
Prone: arms at sides with palms facing upward
Below fair for shoulder extension
Poor = partial range
Palpation location for teres major
Lateral border of scap, just below axilla