Lower Extremity Innervation Flashcards
Iliacus innervation
Femoral L2-3
Sartorius innervation
Femoral L2-3
Quad innervation
Femoral L2-4
Pectineus innervation
Femoral L2-4
Psoas innervation
Adductor innervation
Obturator nerve L2-4
Obturator externus innervation
Obturator nerve L3-4
Gracilis nerve
Obturator L3-4
Sciatic nerve roots
Hamstrings innervation
Tibial: semis and biceps long head
Common peroneal: biceps short head
Adductor magnus innervation
Sciatic L4-S1 and Obturator L2-4
Glut max innervation
Inf gluteal nerve L5-S2
Glut med/min/TFL innervation
sup gluteal nerve L4-S1
Obturator internus/superior gemellus innervation
Nerve to obt int L5-S1
Quad fem/inferior gemellus
N to quad fem L5-S1
Piriformis innervation
Nerve to piriformis S1-2
Common peroneal nerve branches into….
Deep and superficial peroneal nerves
Tib ant innervation
Deep peroneal L4-S1
EDL/EDB innervation
Deep peroneal L5-S1
Peroneals innervation
Superficial peroneal L5-S1
Tibial nerve branches into……
Lateral and medial plantar nerves
Tib post innervation
Tibial nerve (medial popliteal) L4-5 sometimes S1
Gastroc/soleus innervation
Tibial S1-2
FDL/FHL innervation
Tibial L5-S2