UCSP - Society & Culture Flashcards
Defined as constituting a fairly large number of people who are living in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside their area and participate in a common culture.
Perceives as the matrix of society, the totality of duties, rights, division of labor, norms, social control etc.
Social Structure
All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Everywhere
Omniscience, Omnipotence, Omnipresent
Set of social relations which are regularly actualized and thus reproduced as a system through interaction.
Social System
3 levels of social media
Dyadic Relationship
Local Community
It may also be used to refer to a set of relationships activated for a particular end.
The larger the scale the fewer the actors of the system one knows personally.
Transcends dualism such as local/global/ and small/large scale. Online communities can be based on close interpersonal relationships even if the participants are scattered around the world.
Non-localized Networks or The Internet
Draws a classificatory scheme that runs along two axes
Mary Douglas
People’s society is classified according to their degree of social cohesion.
Group Dimension
Describes the degree of shared classification of knowledge.
Grid Dimension
Actors do not act entirely on their own whim: they are bound by structural precondition for their acts.
Term & sino nag sabi
Duality of Structure / Anthony Giddens
Perceived as the matrix of society, emptied of human, the totality of duties, rights division of labor, norms social control etc. Examples include family, religion, law, and class.
Social Structure
point out the functions of social institutions to show how they supported and contributed to the maintenance of society as a whole.
Alfred Radcliffe Brown
Society thought as a kind of organism
Structural Functionalism
established pattern of rules, customs, statuses and social institutions.
Social Structure
defined as the dynamic aspect of structures , what people actually do, their decisions and pattern of action within the framework of structure.
Social organization
First anthropologist to use the expression social network.
John Barnes
Three kinds of social fields
Territorially delineated
Economic field
Social field
hierarchically organized through public administration
Territorially delineated
consist of many mutually dependent but formally independent entities.
Economic field
had no unit or boundaries had no coordinating organization, made up by ties of friendship and acquaintance
Social field
Is a people’s way of life
It prefigures both the process and structures that account not only for the development of such a way of life, but also for the inherent systems that lend it its self-perpetuating nature.
Refers to the similarities in words and actions which can be directly observed.
Explicit Culture
Exist in abstract forms which are not quite obvious.
Implicit Culture
Types of Culture
Material / Non-Material
Perception of accepted reality. Reality may be material or non-material.
Refers to any information that is perceived as true.
established expectations of society as to how a person is supposed to act depending on time, place or situation.
Social norms
Patterns of repetitive behavior which become habitual and conventional part of living.
Set of ethical standard
Anything relatively worthy, important, desirable or valuable
Practical application of knowledge
Encourages solidarity, believing that one’s way are the best
Hinders the cooperation and understanding between groups
Preference for the foreign, exact opposite of ethnocentrism
Fear of what is perceived as foreign or strange
It underscores the idea that the culture in every society should be understood and regarded on its own terms.
Cultural Relativism
Culture has tangible and intangible components.
Cultural Heritage
are those that are produced and created based on specific and practical purposes and aesthetic values.
may be associated with events, historical sites but not limited to the houses of heroes and historical personalities.