EAPP - Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Exercise is good. Therefore, everyone should
Dicto Simpliciter
general rule or observation as universally true
Dicto Simpliciter
Everyone in the Philippines loves Jollibee
Hasty Generalization
Too few instances to support a conclusion
Hasty Generalization
restates the claim as its conclusion
Circular Argument
My girlfriend is correct during arguments because she is my girlfriend
Circular Argument
misconceptions to make the argument look weak
Straw Man
Technology is the root of all evil. Why do you hate social media so much?
Straw Man
Limits choices to only two
Either we change the legal age for voting to 21 or teenagers will not be able to vote at all
unfortunate but useless information to mislead the truth
Red Herring
Attending the webinar is important, but it is not as important as cleaning the house.
Red Herring
Don’t believe your sister; she is not a teacher.
Ad Hominem
insults and attacks on the person’s character
Ad Hominem
Let’s not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we take him, it rains.
Post Hoc
Madam Curie’s discovery of radium would not
have happened if she hadn’t left the
photographic plate with pitch blended out.
Hypothesis contrary to fact
conclusion not connected to premise
Post Hoc
starting with a false hypothesis and drawing conclusions
Hypothesis contrary to fact
tainting an argument before it has begun
Poisoning the well
First man calls the second man a liar before
he gets to say anything.
Poisoning the well
assuming the premise is true without evidence
Begging the question
Have your parents quit making all of your
decisions for you?
Begging the question
If I don’t study I’ll fail the class, I have to drop
out of high school and get married young.
Slippery Slope
arguing that one event will lead to another which will lead to another
Slippery slope
using popular opinion to appeal to the crowd
Ad Populum
appeal to sympathy
Ad Misericordiam
arguing something else
Ignoring the Question