T/F Nearly all drugs with CNS effects act on specific receptors that modulate transmission.
T/F CNS drugs are among the most important tools for studying all aspects of CNS physiology.
T/F Unraveling the actions of drugs with known clinical efficacy led to the hypotheses regarding the mechanism of disease.
Organization of the CNS
The CNS is composed of the ____ nd _____ and is responsible for integrating sensory information and generating motor output and other behaviors needed to successfully interact with the environment and enhance species survival.
brain and spinal cord
Organization of the CNS
Electrically excitable cells that process and transmit information via an electrochemical process.
Organization of the CNS
Large number of non-neuronal support cells, called glia, that perform a variety of essential functions in the CNS.
Organization of the CNS
A protective functional separation of the
circulating blood from the extracellular fluid of the CNS that limits the penetration of substances, including drugs.
Blood-Brain Barrier
Organization of the CNS : Neurons
receive and integrate the input from other neurons and conduct this information to the cell body.
Organization of the CNS : Neurons
carry the output signal of a neuron from the cell body, sometimes over long distances
Organization of the CNS : Neurons
makes contact with other neurons at specialized junctions called synapses where neurotransmitter chemicals are released that interact with receptors on other neurons
Axon terminal
Organization of the CNS : Neuroglia
most abundant cell in the brain and play homeostatic support roles
Organization of the CNS : Neuroglia
cells that wrap around the axons of projection neurons in the CNS forming the myelin sheath
Organization of the CNS : Neuroglia
specialized macrophages derived from the bone marrow that settle in the CNS and are the major immune defense system in the brain
Sodium Channel
Blocks channel from outside
Tetrodotoxin (TTX)
Sodium Channel
Slows inactivation, shifts activation
Batrachotoxoin (BTX)
Potassium channels
Blocks “small Ca-activated” K channel
Potassium channels
Blocks “big Ca-activated” K channel
Calcium channels
Blocks N-type channel
Omega conotoxin (ω-CTX-GVIA)
Calcium channels
Blocks P-type channel
Agatoxin (ω-AGAIVA)
Ligand-gated channel
Irreversible antagonist
Ligand-gated channel
Blocks channel
Ligand-gated channel
Competitive antagonist
Ligand-gated channel
Blocks channel
Ion Channel
Tetrodotoxin (TTX), Batrachotoxoin (BTX)
Voltage-gated, Sodium
Ion Channel
Apamin, Charybdotoxin
Voltage-gated, Potassium
Ion Channel
Omega conotoxin (ω-CTX-GVIA), Agatoxin (ω-AGAIVA)
Voltage-gated, Calcium
Ion Channel
Ligand-gated, Nicotinic Ach receptor
Ion Channel
Ligand-gated, GABAA receptor
Ion Channel
Ligand-gated, Glycine
Ion Channel
Ligand-gated, AMPA
The nerve cells contain two types of channels defined on the basis of the mechanism controlling their gating (opening and closing) :
- Voltage-gated channels
- Ligand-gated channels
Ion Channels
Responds to changes in membrane potential
Voltage-gated Ion Channels
Ion Channels
Concentrated on the initial segment of the axons in
nerve cells.
Voltage-gated Ion Channels
Ion Channels
Responsible for fast action potentials.
Voltage-gated Ion Channels
Ion Channels
Responsible for action potential propagation
Sodium Channels
Ion Channels
Cell bodies and dendrites also have voltage-sensitive ion channels for potassium and calcium.
Voltage-gated Ion Channels
2 Classes of Neurotransmitter Receptor
- Ligand-gated Ion Channels or Ionotropic Receptors
- Metabotropic Receptors
Neurotransmitter Receptor
Ligand-gated Ion Channels or Ionotropic Receptors
Neurotransmitter Receptor
Respond to chemical neurotransmitters (NTAs) that bind to receptor subunits of the channel.
Ligand-gated Ion Channels or Ionotropic Receptors
Neurotransmitter Receptor
Seven transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
Metabotropic Receptors
Neurotransmitter Receptor
Binding does not result in the direct gating of a channel
Metabotropic Receptors
Neurotransmitter Receptor
Binding engages the G-protein that results in the production of second messengers that modulate the voltage-gated channels.
Metabotropic Receptors
Membrane-Delimited Pathways
- Potassium channels
- Calcium channels
T/F In neurons, activation of metabotropic neurotransmitter receptors often leads to the modulation of voltage-gated channels.
Neurotransmitter Receptor
can also modulate voltage-gated channels less directly by the generation of diffusible second messengers.
Metabotropic receptors
T/F An important consequence of the involvement of G proteins in receptor signaling is that, in contrast to the brief effect of ionotropic receptors, the effects of metabotropic receptor activation can last tens of seconds to minutes.
predominate in the diffuse neuronal systems in the CNS
Metabotropic receptors
The Synapse and Synaptic Potentials
Types of receptor channel coupling in ligand-gated ion channels activation and inactivation
- A receptor that acts directly on the channel protein.
- A receptor that is coupled to the ion channel through a G protein.
- A receptor coupled to a G protein that modulates the formation of diffusible second messengers.
The Synapse and Synaptic Potentials
Diffusible second messengers
a. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
b. Inositol trisphosphate (IP3)
c. Diacylglycerol (DAG)
Role of the Ion current carried by the Channel
Synapse : Communication
Role of the Ion current carried by the Channel
Depolarizing potential change
Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs)
Role of the Ion current carried by the Channel (EPSP)
Generated by
- Opening of sodium or calcium channels
- Closing of potassium channels in some synapses
__ Na+, __ K+, __ Ca2+
↑ Na+, ↓ K+, ↑ Ca2+
T/F As additional excitatory synapses are activated, there is a graded summation of the EPSPs to increase the size of the depolarization.
Role of the Ion current carried by the Channel
Hyperpolarizing potential change
Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs)
Generated by
Opening of potassium or chloride channels.
__ K+, __ Cl- postsynaptic, __ Ca2+ presynaptic
↑ K+, ↑ Cl- postsynaptic, ↓ Ca2+ presynaptic
T/F When an inhibitory pathway is stimulated, the postsynaptic membrane is hyperpolarized owing to the selective opening of chloride channels, producing an IPSP.
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
T/F Some drugs exert their effect through indirect interactions with molecular components of ion channels on axons.
F; direct interactions
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
drugs exert their effect through direct interactions
- Carbamazepine
- Phenytoin
- Local anesthetics and some drugs used for
general anesthesia
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Most drugs exert their effect mainly at the ____.
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
T/F Drugs may act presynaptically to alter synthesis, storage, release, reuptake & metabolism of transmitter chemicals.
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Pre- and postsynaptic receptors for specific transmitters
Activate or Block
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Interfere with the action of second messengers
Activate or Block
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Inhibits synthesis of serotonin
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Inhibits storage of catecholamines
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Inhibits release of catecholamines
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Inhibits degradation of acetylcholine
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
Can be depressed by blockade of transmitter synthesis or storage
Presynaptic Drugs
Sites and Mechanisms of Drug Action
The transmitter receptor provides the primary site of drug action
Postsynaptic Region
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Two types of neuronal system:
- Hierarchical system
- Diffused/Non-specific neuronal system
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Contains large myelinated, rapidly conducting fibers; pathways are clearly delineated.
Hierarchal System
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Control major sensory and motor functions
Hierarchal System
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Excitability of the CNS
Hierarchal System
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Major Excitatory Transmitters : Aspartate, Glutamate
Hierarchal System
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Small Inhibitory Interneurons Transmitters
Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), Glycine
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Broadly distributed, with single cells frequently sending processes to many different parts of the brain-tangential
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System
Periodic enlargements that contain transmitter vesicles
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System
Located in the axons
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System (Transmitters)
NE, dopamine and serotonin
Noradrenergic Amines
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System (Transmitters)
act on metabotropic receptors
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System
Noradrenergic cell bodies are found primarily in a compact cell group _________.
locus caeruleus
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System
found in the midline raphe nuclei in the forebrain and send extraordinarily divergent projections to nearly all regions of the CNS
Serotonin neurons
Cellular Organization of the Brain
Other diffusely projecting neurotransmitter pathways include the histamine and orexin systems
Diffused / Non-Specific Neuronal System