4 components of Drug Discovery
- Chemical modification
- Random screening of the biological products
- Rational drug design
- Biotechnology and cloning using gene
3 components of Drug Screening
- Biologic products
- Chemical synthesis
- Lead compound
The amount of animal testing required before human studies begin is a function of the propsoed use and the urgency of the application
Preclinical Safety & Testing
Preclinical Safety & Testing
Administration of single dose to the lethal doses in at least 2 species
Acute Toxicity
Preclinical Safety & Testing
manifests about 2 to 4 weeks
Subacute Toxicity
Preclinical Safety & Testing
Test wherein it will be conducted between 6 to 24 months exposure to the drug
Chronic Toxicity
Preclinical Safety & Testing
2 and 3 tests are conducted for at least the length of time proposed for human
Chronic Toxicity
Preclinical Safety & Testing
Induction of developmental defects in somatic tissues of the fetus
Preclinical Safety & Testing
Induction of changes in the genetic material of animals of any age inducing heritable abnormalities
Standard in vitro test for mutagenicity
Ames Test
Uses a special strain of salmonella bacteria that naturally depends on specific nutrients in the culture medium
Ames Test
Loss of this dependence during exposure to the test drug signals mutation
Ames Test
Evaluation in Humans
Usually last for 4 to 6 years before completion and approval
Clinical Trials
T/F Clinical trials are natural variable history of the disease
T/F Clinical trials use a cross-over design