U12 Flashcards
verb - to express recognition of the presence or existence of somebody/something (BRÁT NA VĚDOMÍ)
after-sales service
noun [U] – the care of a product provided by a supplier after it has been sold (ZÁKAZNICKÝ SERVIS, NÁSLEDNÁ PÉČE O ZÁKAZNÍKY)
adjective – behaving in a very determined and forceful way in order to succeed; angry, and behaving in a threatening way (PRUBOJNÝ, AGRESIVNÍ)
verb – to take or accept that something is true but without having proof of it (PŘEDPOKLÁDAT)
noun [C] - a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof (PŘEDPOKLAD)
at hand
expression – close to you in time or distance (RUCE, PŘI RUCE)
bargain hunter
Noun [C] – a person who is looking for goods that are good value or money, usually because they are being sold at lower prices than usual (VYHLEDÁVAČ SLEV)
call centre
noun [C] – an office in which a large number of people work using telephones, for example taking customers’ orders and answering questions (ZÁKAZNICKÉ CENTRUM)
verb – to try to obtain or achieve something, for example money, work, or a contract (SHÁNĚT; PRONÁSLEDOVAT)
adj. – too satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it (USPOKOJENÝ, SÁM SE SEBOU SPOKOJENÝ)
adjective – not working (NEFUNGUJÍCÍ)
adjective - faulty, broken, not perfect (VADNÝ, DEFEKTNÍ)
adjective - used to describe a procedure or method that is undertaken to identify a disease or some other cause of symptoms (DIAGNOSTICKÝ, ROZPOZNÁVACÍ ZNAK)
adjective – annoyed or disappointed because something has happened to upset you (NESPOKOJENÝ, ROZTRPČENÝ)
verb - to get rid of something; to omit or exclude (ODSTRANIT, ELIMINOVAT)
adjective – (OBSAZENÝ)
noun [C] – a request for information, data; a question about something/somebody (DOTAZ)
adjective - respected or given official status because it has existed or been used for a long time (UZNÁVANÝ, ZAVEDENÝ)
noun [C] - a written promise that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time; and will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period (ZÁRUKA)
Implement (be implemented)
verb - to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used (USKUTEČNIT, (Z)REALIZOVAT)
noun [C] – the process of asking somebody a lot of questions over a long period of time, especially in an aggressive way (DOTAZOVÁNÍ, VYSLÝCHÁNÍ)
adjective - annoying (OTRAVNÝ)
verb – to succeed in getting a job or contract, especially one that a lot of people want (SEHNAT SI, VYHRÁT)
leave/lay yourself wide open
expression – to put yourself in a situation where you are likely to suffer something such as criticism, injury, etc. (OCITNOUT SE V SITUACI, KTEROU MUŽE DRUHÁ STRANA ZNEUŽÍT)
noun [C] – an official record of events during a particular period of time (ZÁZNAM, PROTOKOL)
adjective – remaining faithful to somebody/something and supporting them or it (VĚRNÝ, ODDANÝ)
noun [U] – the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly (ÚDRŽBA)
noun [C] - a small reference book, especially one giving instructions (PŘÍRUČKA, MANUÁL)
mystery shopper
noun [C] – a person whose job is to visit retail outlets to gather information about customer service, or competitors’ goods and prices, while pretending to be a normal customer (ČLOVĚK, KTERÝ DĚLÁ SKRYTÝ PRUZKUM TRHU)
noun [C] - a plan or action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters (POLITIKA, STRATEGIE)
product return(s)
noun [C] – the process used when dealing with goods which have been taken back to the shop because they are faulty, or specific examples of products which have been returned in this way (VRÁCENÍ ZBOŽÍ)
noun [C] – something bought (KOUPĚ, NÁKUP)
noun [C] - a question, esp. one expressing doubt, uncertainty, or an objection (DOTAZ)
noun [C] - 1. the level of speed with which something happens or changes ((O)HODNOTIT, UZNÁVAT)
noun [C] – a measurement of how good, popular, important, etc. somebody/something is, especially in relation to other people or things ((O)HODNOCENÍ, ŽEBŘÍČEK SLEDOVANOSTI)
reference number
noun [C] – a number that shows where you can find a piece of information (REFERENČNÍ ČÍSLO)
noun [C] – money returned to a payer because he/she returned goods to a shop (VRÁCENÍ PENĚZ)
verb – to mend something that is broken, damaged or torn (OPRAVIT)
noun [C] - the general opinion or judgment of the public about a person or thing (REPUTACE, RENOMÉ)
return flight
noun [C] – a journey by plane to a place and back again (ZPÁTEČNÍ LET)
noun [C] - a person, company or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc. (KONKURENČNÍ, SOUPEŘÍCÍ)
noun [U] - doubt about the truth of claims or statements (NEDUVĚRA)
secondary (to)
adjective – Second or lower in rank or importance; not primary (DRUHOTNÝ, DRUHOŘADÝ)
service contract
noun [C] - a contract for maintenance services (SERVISNÍ SMLOUVA)
service engineer
noun [C] - a person who maintains or repairs machinery and equipment (SERVISNÍ TECHNIK)
verb – to reduce something by a large amount (ZREDUKOVAT)
verb – to plan, organize, and carry out e.g. an event that needs careful planning (ZORGANIZOVAT, ()POŘÁDAT)
status report
noun [C] - a written or spoken report on the situation at a particular time during a process (ZPRÁVA O STAVU)
take advantage of
expression – to make use of something/somebody in a way that is unfair or dishonest (VYUŽÍT (NĚČEHO, NĚKOHO))
take for granted
expression - to underestimate the value of something (BRÁT NĚCO ZA SAMOZŘEJMOST)
noun [C] - an inclination to something (TENDENCE, SKLON)
adjective – not penetrable by water (NEPROMOKAVÝ, VODOTĚSNÝ)
verb – to try to get the support of somebody, try to persuade somebody ((NA)LÁKAT, ZÍSKAT SI)