U12 Flashcards
verb - to express recognition of the presence or existence of somebody/something (BRÁT NA VĚDOMÍ)
after-sales service
noun [U] – the care of a product provided by a supplier after it has been sold (ZÁKAZNICKÝ SERVIS, NÁSLEDNÁ PÉČE O ZÁKAZNÍKY)
adjective – behaving in a very determined and forceful way in order to succeed; angry, and behaving in a threatening way (PRUBOJNÝ, AGRESIVNÍ)
verb – to take or accept that something is true but without having proof of it (PŘEDPOKLÁDAT)
noun [C] - a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof (PŘEDPOKLAD)
at hand
expression – close to you in time or distance (RUCE, PŘI RUCE)
bargain hunter
Noun [C] – a person who is looking for goods that are good value or money, usually because they are being sold at lower prices than usual (VYHLEDÁVAČ SLEV)
call centre
noun [C] – an office in which a large number of people work using telephones, for example taking customers’ orders and answering questions (ZÁKAZNICKÉ CENTRUM)
verb – to try to obtain or achieve something, for example money, work, or a contract (SHÁNĚT; PRONÁSLEDOVAT)
adj. – too satisfied with the current situation and unconcerned with changing it (USPOKOJENÝ, SÁM SE SEBOU SPOKOJENÝ)
adjective – not working (NEFUNGUJÍCÍ)
adjective - faulty, broken, not perfect (VADNÝ, DEFEKTNÍ)
adjective - used to describe a procedure or method that is undertaken to identify a disease or some other cause of symptoms (DIAGNOSTICKÝ, ROZPOZNÁVACÍ ZNAK)
adjective – annoyed or disappointed because something has happened to upset you (NESPOKOJENÝ, ROZTRPČENÝ)
verb - to get rid of something; to omit or exclude (ODSTRANIT, ELIMINOVAT)
adjective – (OBSAZENÝ)
noun [C] – a request for information, data; a question about something/somebody (DOTAZ)
adjective - respected or given official status because it has existed or been used for a long time (UZNÁVANÝ, ZAVEDENÝ)
noun [C] - a written promise that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time; and will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period (ZÁRUKA)
Implement (be implemented)
verb - to make something that has been officially decided start to happen or be used (USKUTEČNIT, (Z)REALIZOVAT)
noun [C] – the process of asking somebody a lot of questions over a long period of time, especially in an aggressive way (DOTAZOVÁNÍ, VYSLÝCHÁNÍ)