U11 Flashcards
verb – to get or gain something by your own efforts, ability or behaviour (ZÍSKAT)
against the clock
expression – if you do something against the clock, you do it fast in order to finish before a particular time (Usage: The team were racing against the clock to get the project finished on time.)
noun [C] – the way that somebody/something looks on the outside; what somebody/something seems to be (VZHLED)
verb- to be grateful for something that somebody has done, to welcome; to recognize the quality or significance of something (OCENIT, VÁŽIT SI)
noun [C] - a talent, natural ability or skill at doing something (NADÁNÍ, VLOHY)
career prospects
plural noun - the chances of developing your career (KARIÉRNÍ VYHLÍDKY)
compensate for
verb, preposition - to give money to (KOMPENZOVAT, NAHRADIT)
noun [C] - the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc. (KONTEXT, SOUVISLOSTI)
noun [U] - the state or attitude of not being satisfied (NESPOKOJENOST)
noun [C] - a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity or level (POKLES)
verb – to judge size, amount, value etc, especially roughly or without measuring (ODHADNOUT)
(somebody’s) face doesn’t fit
expression – used to say that somebody will not get or keep a particular job because they do not have the appearance, personality, etc. that the employer wants (NEHODÍ SE, NENÍ VHODNÝM KANDIDÁTEM)
noun [U] - a system permitting flexibility of working hours at the beginning or end of the day, provided an agreed period of each day (PRUŽNÁ PRACOVNÍ DOBA)
fringe benefit
noun [C] - additional advantage or a benefit provided by an employer to supplement an employee’s regular pay, such as a pension, company car, luncheon vouchers, etc (ZAMĚSTNANECKÉ POŽITKY, VÝHODY)
have something in common (with somebody)
expression - to have the same interests, ideas, etc. as somebody else (MÍT CO SPOLEČNÉHO (S KÝM))
noun [C] – something that encourages you to do something; an additional payment made to employees as a means of increasing production (PODNĚT, MOTIVACE; ODMĚNA, BONUS)
noun [C] - refers to the power that someone or something has to affect people’s behaviour or decisions (VLIV)
verb – to give somebody the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm to do something well (INSPIROVAT, PODNÍTIT)
in tray
noun [C] – a container on your desk for letters that are waiting to be read or answered (PŘIHRÁDKA NA DOŠLOU POŠTU, DOKUMENTY K VYŘÍZENÍ)
noun [U] - the period of time during which you are absent from work (DOVOLENÁ)
noun 1. [U] - a good feature that deserves praise, reward or admiration (HODNOTA, PŘEDNOST)
noun [U] - the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed (MORÁLKA)
noun [U] – final, after all the important facts have been included (KONEČNÝ)
verb - to arrange or do something in order of priority (UPŘEDNOSTŇOVAT, STANOVIT SI PRIORITY)
noun [U] – public praise and reward for somebody’s work or actions ((PROJEV) UZNÁNÍ)
adjective – requiring a person to live at a particular place; offering living accommodation (INTERNÁTNÍ, ; OBYTNÝ)
noun [C] - a piece of news or a story passed from person to person, which may not be true (FÁMA, ZVĚST)
standard of living
noun [C] - a level of material comfort in terms of goods and services available to someone or some group (ŽIVOTNÍ ÚROVEŇ)
noun [U] - 1. the fact of whether you are single, married, etc. (1. STAV 2. POSTAVENÍ (SPOLEČENSKÉ))
noun [C] - pressure on somebody/something because they have too much to do or manage, or something very difficult to deal with (NÁPOR, ZÁTĚŽ)
noun [U] - the ability to deal with difficult situations or to maintain a moral or intellectual position (SILNÁ STRÁNKA)
verb – to make or become stronger (POSÍLIT, UPEVNIT)
noun [C] - a plan or action for achieving a goal (TAKTIKA)
team building event
noun [C] - an event designed to help a group of people to work effectively together (AKCE ZAMĚŘENÁ NA ROZVOJ TÝMOVÉ PRÁCE)
adjective - not giving satisfaction, not good enough (NEDOSTATEČNÝ, NEVYHOVUJÍCÍ)