U10 Flashcards
verb – to evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of something/somebody ((Z)HODNOTIT)
attention span
noun [C]- the length of time during which a person can concentrate on a subject or idea (MAXIMÁLNÍ DÉLKA UDRŽENÍ POZORNOSTI)
verb – to increase or contribute to the progress or growth of something (ZVÝŠIT, PODPOŘIT)
close a sale
verb – to succeed in selling your product or service to a customer (UZAVŘÍT OBCHOD)
noun [U] – a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people (OBAVY, STAROST)
adverb – always happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time (STÁLE)
noun [C]- an expert who gives advice (PORADCE)
delivery charge
noun [C] – a sum charged to the buyer to cover the cost of delivering goods that have been ordered (POŠTOVNÉ)
verb – to show the use of an article to a prospective buyer ((NÁZORNĚ) PŘEDVÉST, UKÁZAT)
noun [C] - inequality or difference (ROZDÍL, NEPOMĚR)
noun [U] - the central area or commercial center of a town or city ((OBCHODNÍ) CENTRUM MĚSTA)
noun [U] - the power or capacity to produce a desired result (ÚČINNOST, EFEKTIVNOST)
noun [U] – the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money (ÚČINNOST, EFEKTIVITA)
enquiry card
noun [C] – a printed form on which visitors to an exhibition stand record their contact details, and which products or services they might be interested in (ANKETNÍ LÍSTEK, DOTAZNÍK)
verb - to form an idea of the worth, amount or quality of something after thinking about it carefully ((Z)HODNOTIT)
noun [C] – a person or a company that shows their products to the public (VYSTAVOVATEL)
fog light
noun [C] – a very bright light on the front or back of a car to help the driver to see or be seen in the fog (MLHOVÉ SVĚTLO)
hand out
verb - to distribute freely (ROZDAT, ROZDÁVAT)
noun [C]- a powerful light, equipped with a reflector and attached to the front of a motor vehicle (PŘEDNÍ SVĚTLO(MET))
noun [C] - 1. a sign that shows you what something is like or how a situation is changing (BLINKR)
noun [C] - a piece of information that may help to find out the truth or more facts about a situation or identify a new potential customer (VODÍTKO)
make eye contact with somebody
expression – to look at somebody until they look at you too (NAVÁZAT S NĚKÝM OČNÍ KONTAKT)
on the job training
noun [U] – training which takes place at the same time as somebody is carrying out their usual job (ŠKOLENÍ PŘI PRÁCI)
verb – to give instructions about something or make a request for something to happen. (ZADAT OBJEDNÁVKU)
product literature
noun [U] – brochures, catalogues and other printed information about company’s products (PROPAGAČNÍ LITERATURA)
regardless of
preposition – paying no attention to something or somebody; treating something or somebody as not being important (BEZ OHLEDU NA, PŘESTO)
noun [C] – negative response, refusal (ODMÍTNUTÍ, ZAMÍTNUTÍ)
verb - to change something that is old, damaged, etc. for a similar thing that is newer or better (NAHRADIT, VYMĚNIT)
noun [C] - a thing that replaces something, especially because the first thing is old, broken, etc. (VÝMĚNA, NÁHRADA)
noun [C] - a small part of something intended as representative of the whole (VZOREK)
noun [C] - a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something, or makes a situation worse (KROK ZPĚT, NEZDAR)
noun – a table or an upright structure where things are displayed or advertised, for example at an exhibition ((VÝSTAVNÍ) STÁNEK)
staying power
noun [U] – the ability to continue doing something difficult or tiring until it is finished (VYTRVALOST, VÝDRŽ)
noun [C] – a residential district located on the outskirts of a city (PŘEDMĚSTÍ)
verb – to tell people your feelings or opinions about something (VYJÁDŘIT)