U1-3-2 - Transition Metal Complexes Flashcards
A negative ion or molecule with non-bonding e− pairs that they donate to the central metal atom or ion.
What type of bonds are formed between ligands and metals?
Dative (covalent)
No. of e− pairs a ligand can donate to the central metal ion.
Monodentate ligands donate _________.
1 e− pair
List as many monodentate ligands as you can.
H2O, NH3, CN−, halide ions, nitrite (NO2−), OH−.
(In general, charge of 1− or has 1 atom with non-bonding pairs.)
Bidentate ligands donate _________.
2 e− pairs
Name two bidentate ligands.
oxalate and ethylenediamine (en)

Coordination number
The number of dative bonds formed between the ligands and the central metal ion.
Higher coordination number = _______ stable complex.
The number of dative bonds formed between the ligands and the central metal ion.
Coordination number
If the coordination number is 6, the complex shape is ______.
Normally a Cl branch is called ‘chloro’.
What changes when naming Cl in a transition metal complex?
Ending is ‘ido’ = chlorido
Apply this to most negative ions, e.g. hydroxido, cyanido.
Name of NH3 ligand in a TM complex
Name of H2O ligand in a TM complex
Why is water written as OH2 in complex formulae?
O is the atom bonded to metal so must be written first.
In a complex name, does OH2 or Cl go first?
aqua, OH2 (alphabetical order)
In a formula, does OH2 or NH3 go first?
NH3 (alphabetical order)
Positive complex ion names end in ________.
the name of the metal, unchanged
(e.g. hexaamminecopper(II))
Negative complex ion names end in ______.
(e.g. hexacyanidocobaltate(II))
Negative complex ion containing iron will end in ____.
Negative complex ion containing copper will end in ____.
What is missing from this name?
Oxidation state of iron