U Flashcards
No volgudes (U)
The suppressed emotions inevitably surface in unintended ways
No distorsionade (U)
Let it go can become “hold it lightly” and when that happens, the heart expands. This does not mean a passive resignation to fate (destí) , but rather a vital engagement with the way things actually are, unfiltered and undistorted by rigid mental lenses.
Inquietut, malestar (U)
Once you detect that there is a low level of unease, see in what way you are resisting life.
At the first sign of unease, she could have set up a meeting with her boss in which she opened up.
Insuportable (U)
Unbearable (ənˈberəb(ə)l)
Life is never unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose. Viktor Frankl
Starting a business is exciting, and when you’re laying the groundwork (treball preparatori) for a new venture while you’re still working full time, that excitement can make the wait unbearable.
Inatacable (U)
Unassailable (ˌənəˈsāləb(ə)l) (a amb el senyal a dalt es pronuncia ‘ei’).
But ir was Park’s quiet strength that made her unassailable
Sense pretensions (U)
Unassuming (ˌənəˈso͞omiNG) (les dues o amb senyal a dalt es pronuncia ‘iu’)
Mrs. Parks is unassuming, and yet there is integrity and character there.
Imprevistos (U)
Do you need to sometimes make changes vecause of unforeseen events?
Minar (U)
There will always be those who criticize or attempt to undermine any effort or achievement you make.