R Flashcards
Considerar, respecte, atenció (R)
Withoutregard for the impact it has on others
A woman who has no time for getting old, not only is she too busy to pay it any regard, she simply rejects the whole concept of it in the first place.
Implacable (R) (suposició)
Thereis the relentless assumption (suposició) in our culture that we need to do something when we have inner turmoil (turbulència)
Independentment (R)
Regardless of what you think about grammar, you’ll look silly if you use it incorrectly.
We all face dilemmas, no matter how solid our beliefs and regardless of the specific decisions ee make
Abstenir-se (R)
I promise to do my best to refrain from saying things or doing things that make you suffer.
Just (R)
Righteous (rīCHəs)
Righteousbehaviour is not so much the good we do behind closed doors when no one is there to praise us; it is what we “put out into the world”.
Compenetració (R)
Having the skills to develop an instant rapport with a patient you may have never met before.
Ritme (R)
Thereare similar basal insulins being developed at a faster rate
Cullir (R)
The smartest entrepeneurs take calculated risks and reap big rewards (recompensa)
Recompensa (R)
The smartest entrepeneurs take calculated risks and reap (cullen) big rewards
Recuperar (R) (la positivitat)
Reclaims your positivity.
Derivar (R) Medicina
They can often give advice about changes you can make to improve matters, or refer for talking therapy.
Replantejar, reenquadrar (R)
Resilient minds recover quickly by reframing.When you reframe your apology to ask the person to accept, this gesture gives the recipient control of the process (“please, accept my apologies”)
Reembolsar (R)
We don’t refund the cost of items bought on sale
Assajant (R)
The tricky (difícil) part about rehearsing a presentation in front of other people is that they will feel obligated to offer feedback
Refusat (R)
You’ll get rejected many more times than you succeed.
Reticència (R)
At six months of decreasing depression medicatión there’d been some reluctance to give up it.
To relinquish judgment does not mean that you do not recognize dysfunction and unconsciousness when you see it.
Demanda, petició (R)
Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious
Retir (R)
You don ‘t have to go to a month-long meditation retreat to restore peace and balance to your life.
Recuperar (R) (mentalment una resposta)
Not only do flashcards prompt you to mentallyretrievean answer rather than just “recognize”
Ingressos (R)
Companies need salespeople (venedors) who can fuel revenue and loyalty.
Recablejar (R)
You have to rewire your brain to stop trying to protect you when you don’t need to be protected.
Just (R)
Righteous (ˈrīCHəs)
Righteousbehaviour is not so much the good we do behind closed doors when no one is there to praise us; it is what we “put out into the world”.
Muntanya russa (R)
Roller coster
But one of the hardest lessons to learn is how to apply brakes (fre) to that roller coaster.
Reflexionant (R)
Pausing and reflecting are the key, not only in stopping procrastination but in math and science problem solving in general
Lamentava (R)
Cajal deeply regretted that he never had a quickness and clearness in the use of words. He couldn’t remember things by rote (de memòria).
Recordar les coses de memòria (R) frase
Remember things by rote
Cajal deeply regretted (lamentava) that he never had a quickness and clearness in the use of words. He couldn’t remember things by rote