H Flashcards
Enganxa (H)
Quan ens referim per ex a que una pel.lícula que enganxa
A Hollywood scripts lives or dies by its “hook”
Retenció (H)
For many people, the familiar and comforting identity that hooks them, especially in times of stress, is a holdover from way, way back
Distintiu (H)
This rapid recovery is the hallmark of resilience
Manilles (H)
Her childhood included the trauma of being arrested by police at school and put into handcuffs at twelve years of age in front of her classmates on suspicion of possesssing marijuana.
Aprofita (H)
Be careful who you spend your time with, and harness the positive energy from the good people around you.
To stay passionate and excited about work, you’re going to need to harness your inner-motivation
Durament (H)
Push back firmly but not harshly, and draw clear lines in the sand.Offer resistance when your beliefs are threatened.
Odi (H)
Hatred (#heitred#)
Blind hatred is scary for anybody.
Risc (H)
Ahazard assessmentinvolves conducting workplace inspectionsand identifying potential health risks
Oficina (H)
A beautifulheadquarters. Delicious snacks.
Jerarquia (H)
No matter where you are in the hierarchy, I believe that you’re a leader.
Segrestat (H)
Hijacked (#haijact#)
Hijacked by emotional downs and upsof all sort.
Caminata (H)
Several reasons why taking a hike is better than holing yourself up in a conference room.
Retrospectiu (H)
As there was no awareness of SM at the time and the teachers thought that they were doing the right thing by encouraging me; however, in hindsight, doing the opposite would probably have had a more positive effect on me
Contractar (H)
Almost 20 years ago when I launched ( vaig llençar) my first company, I hired a friend as a writing subcontractor.
Retenció (H)
For many people, the familiar and comforting identity that hooks them, especially in times of stress, is a holdover from way, way back
Humil (H)
Interesting things happen when we apply the humble approach (enfocament).Humblelistening as one of its four key desirable characteristics for it’s leaders.
Obstacles (H)
Thanks to regulatory hurdles, Zipline is not currently operating medical supply deliveries in the U.S.
Collita (H)
Cajal, noted, even people with average intelligence, can sculpt their own brain, so that even the least gifted can produce an abundant harvest