F Flashcards
Defectes (F)
As with every hero’s journey, our movement toward a better life begins with showing up. In real life, our successes come from how well we’re able to live with and learn from our own flaws (defectes) or dark side.
Marejat (F) Medicina
You may feel faint, breathless, shaky (tremolós), sweaty or light-headed (marejat); have palpitations or chest pain; and get numbness (entumiment) or tingling (formigueig), especially in hands and feet.
sobrecàrrega de líquids (F) Medicina
Fluid overload:
Front (F) Medicina
Next move on to the forehead, then the eyes, and so on, one body part at a time.
Prevenir (F) Medicina
I stated that if you tell the family the infant has RSV and that there is the expectation that cough will last 1-2 months, this may forestall them going to the ER or urgent care center
Just (F)
Stop being unfair.
comerç just (F)
In assembly, children learned about what is meantbyFairtradeand why we should try to buy Fairtrade products.
Temerós (F)
The reason I picked gratitude is because when you’re grateful you can’t be angry or fearful.
Factible (F)
Negative responses to employees’ ideas such as “It won’t work”, “that’s not feasible” will turn off your employees every time.
Estant inquiet, agitat (F)
Stop fidgeting, your body is saying as much as your words are.
Defectuós (F)
Our understanding of what causes us to be happy is flawed
Fugaç (F)
But we can choose to believe that wealth is fleeting.
Primer pla (F)
Background noise moves into the foreground.
Perdut (F)
I’ve forfeited my office and desk. The reason is that this setup actually allows me to float around, get to know each person in the company, and inspires creativity.
Abstenir-se de (F)
Why do doctors continue to provide high-intensity care for terminal patients but may personally forgo such care themselves at the end of life?