M Flashcards
Fites (M)
Anyone who has been there to get their insights on what milestones are worth aiming for (aspirar)
Enganyosa (M)
Sometimes our initial intuition about what’s happening is misleading
Obligatori (M)
Although participants discussed mandatory immunization as a way to improve uptake.
Humanitat (M)
Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound (sorprendre) the other.
Mal etiquetat (M)
It is shameful that simple immaturity due to being younger is now mislabeled as mental illness and mistreated (mal tractat) with a pill.
Hipoteca (M)
Fixed-rate (renda fixa) mortgage with payments you can afford
Apagats (M)
Muffled heart sounds.
Presumir (M / frase)
Make boast
She makes no boast about the scale of her work
Baines de mielina (M) Medicina
Mielin sheaths
There’s evidence that myelin sheaths, the fatty insulation (aïllament) that helps signal move more quickly along a neuron, often don’t finish developing until people are in their twenties.