D Flashcards
Desconfiat (D)
But deep down he was closed anddistrustful, and kept women at arm’s length
Ignorar, prescindir (D)
I personally define bullying as the erosion or disregard of the human rights of the person who is being subject to bullying.
Enganyant (D)
Developing meaningful compassion for yourself does not mean deluding yourself.
Ofegar-se (D)
If you see someone drowning, you must jump in to save them”
Làctics (D) Medicina
As an adult I sometimes eat a little bit of dairy, and I almost always feel bloated afterward
Donar alta (D) Medicina
I’ll do whatever I need to do to get discharged and then quietly go home, rake an overdose and kill myself
Marejos (D) Medicina
In the end, I had to just throw the pills away and endure two weeks of dizziness, nausea, and mood swings (oscil.lacions).
Temor (D)
Fear comes in many forms: unease (inquietut), worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread, phobia, and so on.
Any guard who wanted to make a charge against a prisoner just glanced at his number (and how we dreaded: temíem, such glances!!)
Atrevit (D)
Dared (#dèrd#)
Her advice is an ode to a life spent in pursuit of what you dared dream for when you were younger.
Suprimir elements (D)
The key tobuilding more mental muscleinvolves decluttering your mind of thosemental habits that are keeping you stuck.
Derrotat (D)
If for some reason you’re feeling down, discouraged, or defeated, your pose will definitely show it before you even register it.
Desafiament (D)
Defiance (#difaians#)
Her advice reflects this lifelong spirit of defiance and refusal to be dictated to by external circumstance
Desafiant (D)
An unimaginable speed made possible only by his gravity defying decision to do it without ropes
desviar (D)
Deflectthe issue onto something bigger than you and outside your control.
Degoteig (D)
We spoke about the kind of fear that manifests as a steady (constant), protracted (perllongat) drip of anxiety causing hormones