A Flashcards
Aconseguit, completat (A)
You have to take a step back and appreciate what you’ve accomplished.
Responsable (A)
To learn more about how feedback can help you create a Culture of Accountability for achieving desired results
Admès, reconegut (A)
He has acknowledged he is uncertain whether the damages will be upheld (sostingut)
Coneixences (A)
I realized that these women were not true friends at all, but just passing acquaintances, who at one time shared common ground with me.
Adquirint (A)
And by acquiring different perspectives, you will discourage groupthink and encourage innovative thinking
Higher level of habitual physical activity is associated with a 31% risk reduction of community-acquired infectious disease and 37% risk reduction of infectious disease mortality.
Agudesa (A)
We know that foods high in sugar are bad for us, and our mental acuity.
Perspicàcia (A)
I choose to believe the parts about his creative genius, his marketing savvy (comprensió), his business acumen.
Avenç respecte (A)
Advancement over
Basal insulin is an advancement over whatever we had previously.
Aspirar (A)
Aim for
Anyone who has been there to get their insights on what milestones (fites) are worth aiming for.
Similar (A)
It is akin to resting between sets at the gym.
Tot i que (A)
Viktor Frankl shows that even in a Nazi concentration camp, people - albeit (#olbit#). rarely- can transcend their environment to find freedom, meaning, happiness, and virtue
Concessions (A)
. At fifteen they may look like an adult, but they don’t have the brains of one, so make allowancesfor them
Esmenes (A)
When we know that we are loved even after we have lost our way, it is far easier for us to acknowledge our wrongdoing and look for ways to make amends, restoring the trust of those we care about.
Entretenir, distreure (A)
True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes orfearsbut to rest satisfied with what we have
Sorgeixin (A)
keep track: Notehow you’ll keep track (realitzar seguiment) of progress, assign or delegate duties, and the how you’ll face potential challenges that arise