L Flashcards
Esvelt (L)
I saw a lanky man.
Marge de maniobra (L)
But even when you’re dealing with the real world as it really is, you have enormous leeway in how you respond to it.
Registre (L)
In one study, a group of nurses were asked to keep a daily log of their mod, work hassles (molèsties) and the overall (general) emotional climate of their team
Salt (L)
I first encouraged him to show up to his fear: evolution has made us wary (desconfiats) of heights for a reason, and there’s no shame in needing time to adjust to the counterintuitive notion that climbing up five steps and then taking a one metre leap into four metres of chlorinated water is a reasonable thing to do
Posada en marxa, introduir, llençar (L)
Ideally a new vaccination campaign should be launched, targeting these affected areas.We just launched our new product
Escala (L)
En un aeroport, entee vols
If you’re expecting a long layover, see if there is a gym near the airport
Salt (L)
Figure out (desxifrar) where the bet falls on the risck spectrum, along with the consequences if it doesn’t work out. Then you’ll know wether to take that leap
Allargar (L)
Studies show that kindness can lengthen your life.
Aprofitar (L)
What are my strengths, and how can I leverage them?
Simpatia (L)
Likability brings along some undeniable advantage
Igualment (L)
Likewise, everythingwe produce in terms of thought, speech, and action continues even after our bodies disintegrate.
Préstec (L)
Some people rely on business loans to start a company, which is often the only way to turn an idea into a reality.
Allotjament (L)
If there are trails (camins) or a park near your lodging, go for a walk or a jog
Elevats (L)
Have fun when you imagine your future, and set lofty goals.
Aixecant (L)
Constantly lifting weights (pesos) won’t make your muscles any bigger
Admirar i respectar algú (L)
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