type of anemia caused by inadequate supplies of iron needed to synthesize hemoglobin
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
RBC morphology characteristics in iron deficiency anemia
microcytic, hypochromic
parasites that can cause IDA
hookworms (A. duodenale, N. americanus)
T. trichiura
Schistosome spp. (S. mansoni, S. Haematobium)
Poikilocytes that can be seen in IDA
ovalocytes, pencil forms
Type of anemia due to inability to use iron for hemoglobin production; impaired release of storage iron
Anemia of Chronic disease/inflammation
In ACD, hepcidin levels are _____
Caused by blocks in the protoporphyrin pathway resulting in ineffective hemoglobin synthesis and iron overload
Sideroblastic anemia
Excess iron accumulates in the mitochondrial region of the immature erythrocyte in the bone marrow and encircles the nucleus
Ringed sideroblasts
Excess iron accumulates in the mitochondrial region of the mature erythrocytes in the circulation
inclusions in the siderocyte using Prussian blue
Siderotic granules
inclusions demonstrated using wright stain
Pappenheimer bodies
RBC morphology characteristics in Sideroblastic anemia
Microcytic, hypochromic
A genetic disorder characterized by a primary, quantitative reduction of in globin chain synthesis
RBC morphology characteristics in Thalassemia
microcytic, hypochromic
Poikilocyte that is found in Thalassemia
Target cells
also known as Cooley anemia
Beta thalassemia major
In Beta thalassemia major, there is a markedly decreased rate of synthesis or absence of _______ resulting in an excess of ________
absence of both beta chains;
excess of alpha chains
compensatory hb of beta thalassemia major
Hb F 90%
microscopic findings in beta-thalassemia major
target cells
teardrop cells (dacryocytes)
many nRBCs
basophilic stippling
howell-jolly bodies
pappenheimer bodies
heinz bodies
Thalassemia that has one normal beta chain, the other has been deleted or very weak in expression
Beta-thalassemia minor/minor heterozygous
Compensatory Hb in minor heterozygous beta-thalassemia
Hb A2 slightly increased
A thalassemia that is characterized by the deletion of all four alpha chains; no normal hemoglobin is produced
Alpha-thalassemia major