Redistribution of the blood pools causes a short-term increase in the total WBC count and the absolute number of neutrophils in the circulating granulocyte pool; caused by exercise, stress, pain and pregnancy
Shift/physiologic pseudoneutrophilia
Blood picture mimics chronic myelogenous leukemia; benign, specific response to specific agent or stimulus; WBC count can increase to 50-100x10^9/L; increased LAP score; there is a shift to the left with toxic changes to neutrophils
Neutrophilic Leukemoid Reaction
Morphologically normal, but functionally abnormal because of enzyme deficiency (NADPH oxidase) that results in an inability to degranulate which causes inhibited bacteriocidal function
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
what is the treatment for CGD?
granulocyte concentrate
Both morphologically and functionally abnormal leukocytes; WBCs unable to degranulate and kill invading bacteria; abnormal fusion of primary and secondary neutrophilic granules; leukocytes have gigantic granules that are peroxidase positive
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
5 or more lobes in the neutrophil; associated with megaloblastic anemia
Nucleus is hyperclumped and does not mature past the two-fold stage’ nucleus has a dumbbell or peanut-shape; “pince-nez” appearance; morphologically abnormal but functionally normal
Pelger-Huet Anomaly
What is the difference of Pelger-Huet anomaly and Pseudo Pelger-Huet Anomaly?
In Pseudo PH Anomaly - round nucleus
In Pelger-Huet anomaly - Dumbbell shape nucleus
Which of the following is not characterized by giant plaetelets?
A. Bernard-Soulier Syndrome
B. Gray Platelet
C. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
C. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
Large crystalline, Dohle-like inclusions in the cytoplasm of neutrophils on Wright’s stain; gray blue spindle (cigar) shaped; Morphologically abnormal but functionally normal; giant platelets, thrombocytopenia, and clinical bleeding
May-Hegglin anomaly
Large azurophilic granules appear in the cytoplasm of all or only one cell line; granules contain degraded mucopolysaccharides due to enzyme defect
Alder-Reily Anomaly
Most common lipid disorder; deficiency in glucocerecrosidase causes glucocerebroside to accumulate in the macrophages of the bone marrow, spleen and liver; Crumpled tissue paper appearance of macrophage
Gaucher disease
Deficiency in sphingomyelinase causes sphingomyelin to accumulate in macrophages in multiple organs and bone marrow; foamy appearance of macrophages (foam cells)
Niemann-Pick Disease
What enzyme is deficient in Niemann-Pick disease?
a. Sphingomyelinase
b. glucocerebrosidase
c. Arylsulfatase A
d. Hexosaminidase A
A. Sphingomyelinase
What enzyme is deficient in Gaucher disease?
a. Sphingomyelinase
b. glucocerebrosidase
c. Arylsulfatase A
d. Hexosaminidase A
B. glucocerebrosidase
What enzyme is deficient in Fabry’s disease?
a. Alpha galactosidase
b. Cerebroside beta galactosidase
c. Hexosaminidase A and B
d. Hexosaminidase A
A. Alpha galacosidase
What enzyme is deficient in Tay Sach disease?
a. Alpha galactosidase
b. Cerebroside beta galactosidase
c. Hexosaminidase A and B
d. Hexosaminidase A
D. Hexosaminidase A
What enzyme is deficient in Krabbe disease?
a. Alpha galactosidase
b. Cerebroside beta galactosidase
c. Hexosaminidase A and B
d. Arylsulfatase A
B. Cerebroside beta galactosidase
causative agent of IM
Epstein-Barr virus
what is the target cell of EBV?
Infectious Mononucleosis is also known as “_____”
the kissing disease
Is IM positive or negative for heterophile antibody test?
yes. positive
Symptoms similar to IM; most commonly transmitted infection from mother to fetus/ most common congenital infection; negative for heterophile antibody test; no reactive lymphocytes
Associated with adenovirus and coxsackie A virus; Contagioyus mostly affecting young children; lymphocytosis with no reactive lymphocytes
Infectious lymphocytosis
Defines acute leukemia as >30% bone marrow blasts; easier to use and is still widely taught
French-America-British (FAB) Classification
Defines acute leukemia as >20% bone marrow blasts; standard for diagnosis
World Health Organization (WHO) Classification
WHO Classification is based on: (enumerate)
- Cellular morphology
- Cytochemical stains
- Immunologic probes of cell markers (CD markers)
- Cytogenetics
- Molecular abnormalities
- Clinical syndrome
FAB Classification is based on: (enumerate)
- Cellular morphology
- Cytochemical stain results
Stains siderotic granules, pappenheimer bodies and hemosiderin
Perl’s Prussian blue stain
Stains ALP present in the neutrophil
Leukocyte Alkaline Phsphatase (ALP)
LAP is also known as “_____”
LAP score is increased in CML, PNH, Sickle cell anemia, IM, PA and decreased in PV, last trimester of pregnancy, infections with neutrophilia
True or False
LAP is increased in
1. PV
2. Last trimester of pregnancy
3. infections with neutrophilia
LAP is decreased in
1. CML
2. PNH
3. Sickle cell anemia
4. IM
5. PA
Stains peroxidase present in granulocytes and monocytes; recommended specimen is fresh blood smear from a capillary puncture
Myeloperoxidase stain (MPO)
MPO is used to differentiate:
Used to differentiate blasts of acute myelogenous leukemias (AMLs) from acute lymphoblastic and monocytic leukemias (ALLs)
These are lysosomes that can be seen in AMLs when stained with MPO
Auer Rods
Stains lipids present in granulocytes and monocytes
Sudan Black B
SBB is used to differentiate _____ and ______ from ______
SBB is used to differentiate Acute myelogenous leukemias and MYELOMONOCYTIC Leukemias from acute lymphocytic leukemia
Stains mucoproteins, glycoproteins, and high molecular weight carbohydrates;
Periodic Acid Schiff stain
PAS stain is used in the diagnosis of?
DiGuglielmo’s Syndrome (FAB M6)
In PAS stain, L1 and L2 produces what pattern?
Block pattern
Stains esterases in granulocytes and mast cell granules
Naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase