Tutorial questions Flashcards
How does the variability in job performance relate to the practical value of using selection methods such as personality or intelligence tests?
- Selection methods are most useful when variability in job performance is high
Which selection method shows the strongest prediction of job performance?
- Workplace sample tests
If a job applicant was asked to repair a series of defective electric motors, which selection method would this represent?
- Work sample test
Compared to structured interviews, unstructured interviews:
- Are cheaper to construct
The analysis of hand-writing samples:
Is always a poor predictor of job performance, even when the writer chooses what to write about.
In their article on the dark triad and empathy, Wai and Tiliopoulos (2012) assessed empathy using the self-assessment manikin (SAM) as well as some self-report scales. Which of the following correctly describes the differences in how cognitive empathy versus affective empathy were assessed?
Both cognitive and affective empathy were measured with EQ subscales. Judgments of how participants felt toward facial expression pictures assessed affective empathy whereas judgments about which emotions were represented by the facial expression pictures assessed cognitive empathy.
In Wai and Tiliopoulos (2012), which of the variables below showed the LARGEST negative association with self-ratings of global empathy?
Primary psychopathy
Wai and Tiliopoulos (2012) examined the relationship between dark triad traits and overall levels of cognitive empathy. Which of the dark triad traits showed significant negative associations with cognitive empathy (as measured by objective rather than self-report tasks)?
Primary psychopathy and machiavellianism, but not narcissism or secondary psychopathy
In Wai and Tiliopoulos (2012), high levels of narcissism significantly predicted which objective measures of empathy?
More accurate judgments of anger
In Wai and Tiliopoulos’ (2012) examination of self-ratings of empathy, primary psychopathy predicted:
Significantly lower affective, but not cognitive empathy (i.e. can understand other people’s emotions but can’t respond to it appropriately)
Which of the following are the most accurate examples of Gosling et al.’s definition of identity claims and behavioral residues.
Wearing an “I Vote Green” T-shirt is an identity claim; A bookshelf with books alphabetized by author is a behavioral residue.
Observer ratings of big five personality can be made on the basis of Facebook profile information alone. Which of the big five domains can be MOST ACCURATELY JUDGED and LEAST ACCURATELY JUDGED by strangers examining facebook profile information?
Extraversion most accurately judged, neuroticism least accurately judged.
When judging big five personality from Facebook profile information, which of the five domains do observers show the strongest agreement on?
In Facebook profiles, which of the big five personality domains show the strongest self-enhancement?
Emotional stability and Opennness to experience
Witmann states that the group differences in performance on the Berlin Intelligence Structure (BIS) test “cannot be explained by differences in g.” What are the reasons for this statement?
Although, there are gender differences for specific facets of the tests, these differences are cancelled by the aggregate score, hence the group differences cannot be reduced by differences in g
According to Wittmann (2005), which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. The general tendencies towards risk aversion do not affect the learning environment of women
b. Personality variables interact with environmental conditions, resulting in different conditions with more or less opportunities to learn
c. When participants do not know all the rules of the microworld games, they have to learn them by practising with an aim to minimize errors at the learning stage
d. Males tend to take fewer risks, hence creating more chances for learning
e. None of the above
Personality variables interact with environmental conditions, resulting in different conditions with more or less opportunities to learn.
In Sweden, there appears to be a disproportionately small number of women enrolled in the technology education track. What does Witmann suggest is needed to lessen the gap?
Better counselling using better assessment tools coupled with changing societal conditions
The results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) described in the Wittmann (2005) paper indicated that:
The verbalization of many of the maths tasks gave women better opportunities to solve maths problems
Why is it inappropriate to use group differences for predictions regarding selection decisions?
It can result in erroneous predictions with regards to false positives and false negatives
According to Stankov (1999), the trait of Self-confidence within the cognitive domain:
1) Refers to the factor which is defined by the answers given to the self-reports measures like “I’m self-confident” and “I’m self-assured”
2) Shares high correlations with the Extroversion and Neuroticism personality dimensions
3) Does not separate from the relevant ability factors when the Factor Analytic techniques are used
4) Has been shown to have much predictive validity for a wide variety of real-life events such as depression, job promotions
5) None of the above
None of the above
- According to Stankov (1999):
1) Non-cognitive factors have little to offer in the prediction of life-time achievements
2) There has been an unjustified tendency to overemphasize the role of the general intelligence factor at the expense of broad factors (e.g., Gc, Gf)
3) There are strong pattern of correlations between biological measures (e.g., EEG, positron- emissions) and measures of intelligence
4) Non-cognitive traits tend to play a smaller role in the prediction of life-time achievements as people grow older
5) None of the above
There has been an unjustified tendency to overemphasize the role of the general intelligence factor at the expense of broad factors (e.g. Gc, Gf)
- Which statement is NOT correct in regards to on-task confidence ratings?
1) Most researchers agree on their placement within the structure of cognitive abilities and personality
2) They tend to have high reliability estimates
3) there is a pattern of the robust inter-correlations between confidence ratings
4) they share positive correlations with cognitive abilities
5) they consistently define a general Self-confidence factor
Most researchers agree on their placement within the structure of cognitive abilities and personality
- According to Stankov (1999):
1) The search for physical correlates of intelligence and personality should not continue, as so far it had nothing of value to offer in the respective fields
2) Non-cognitive factors hold little predictive power of lifetime achievements
3) There is a pattern of the robust inter-correlations between different measures of emotional intelligence
4) The constructs of self-confidence and social attitudes can be validly assessed by using procedures others than typical self-report instruments
5) None of the above
The constructs of self-confidence and social attitudes can be validly assessed by using procedures other than typical self-report instruments.
- According to Stankov (1999):
1) Most measures of Emotional Intelligence separate well from the measures of personality
2) Most measures of Emotional Intelligence share meaningful correlations with traditional measures of intelligence (g, Gf, Gc etc)
3) The construct of Emotional Intelligence is likely to be multi-dimensional
4) The construct of Emotional Intelligence seems to be uni-dimensional
5) None of the above
The construct of Emotional intelligence is likely to be multi-dimensional