Personality changes Flashcards
What did Mischel state about personality?
- that personality differs across situations (social psychologist)
- added to the legacy of personality as many personality researchers did not want to acknowledge that trait levels may change over time
What are some issues in studying personality change?
- distinction between trait stability/consistency and maturational change
- distinguishing test unreliability from range order changes
- longitudinal vs. cross-sectional research designs
- different models of personality used in childhood and adulthood.
What did Costa and McCrae say about personality and stability?
Personality does not change –> higher correlations in rank order stability over time (lowest for A)
What did Costa & McCrae find with regards to correlations of personality with age?
- Lower O, Higher C (close-minded, more work-focused)
- Low N, higher A, Lower E
(Conclusion: personality does not change, large correlations over 6 yrs)
What does consistency refer to? Change refer to?
Consistency refers to: the rank- order of people stays the same (correlations btw ppl at time 1 versus time 2)
Change: refers to absolute level of a trait differs (changes to personality means at time 2 compared to time 1)
How is child personality often measured?
Looking at Rothbart’s temperament model:
- negative affectivity
- extraversion/surgency
- effortful control
What’s a current alternative way to assess personality in children?
- Berkeley Puppet Interview
What did Roberts, Caspi & Moffitt (2001) find in their meta-analysis?
Rank order change:
- occurs when an individual is ranked on a trait and the rank order changes over time
- Roberts, Caspit & Moffit conducted a meta-analyses and found that correlations for negative emotionality, positive emotionality and constraint were all strong positive correlations. However these correlations were much smaller than Costa & McCrae had found in their meta-analysis. This is evidence that personality changes over time.
Mean level change:
- occurs when the mean level of a trait changes over time in a cohort
- Roberts, Caspi & Mofit demonstrated change in the Big 5 personality traits
- the greatest change is seen in social dominance (extraversion) shown to increase up until 30’s, then plateau
- emotional stability increases until 30’s, decrease in 70’s
- agreeableness doesn’t show alot of change (small increases through life-greatest in 50s)
- openness (increases mostly from 18-22 until 50’s, slight decreases in retirement)
- conscientiousness rapidly increases in 20s and 30s but continues to increase throughout life