Tutorial 1: Physiology Flashcards
medial antonym
deep antonym
distal meaning
this term is most used on extremities and tubular structures, moving away from the trunk or the point of attachment or origin
proximal meaning
this term is most used on extremities and tubular structures, moving towards the trunk or the point of attachment.
define the anatomic position
Standing upright
head and eyes directed straight ahead
upper limbs slightly away from trunk
both feet flat on the ground, feet slightly apart, face facing forwards
Upper limbs at the sides
palms facing forward
thumbs pointing away from body
describe the prone position
The body is lying facedown
describe the supine position
Lying on your spine so that the body is faceup
define the following terms
next to
before, in front, first
apart, opposite
define the following terms
beyond, next in a series
to bend forward
self; same
to fit; to join
enclosing or surrounding
define the following terms
to lay back
belly, lower part
define the following terms
against; in opposition
side of body, rib
define the direction: anterior (ventral*)
Towards the front of the body(*towards the belly)
define the direction: posterior (dorsal*)
Towards the back of the body (*towards the dorsum)
define the direction: superior (cranial*)
towards the head
define the direction: inferior (caudal*)
Towards the ground (*towards the tail), away from the head
define the direction: medial
Towards the midline of the body
define the direction: lateral
Away from the midline of the body, towards the sides of the body
define the direction: ipsilateral
On the same side of the body, on the same side of the body as another structure
define the direction: contralateral
On the opposite side of the body, on the opposite side of the body from another structure
define the direction: superficial
Towards the surface
define the direction: deep
Away from the surface
define the direction: proximal
Situated nearer to a point of attachment
define the direction: distal
Situated further from a point of attachment
define the direction: intermediate
Between two structures
describe the orientation of the bone of the forearm when in the anatomical position also when the palms face posteriorly
In anatomical position the two bones are parallel to each other and the radius
is lateral to the ulna. When the palm is facing posteriorly the two bones cross
over so that at the wrist (distal) end the radius is medial and the ulna is lateral.
At the elbow (the proximal end) they keep their original orientations; radius is
lateral and ulna is medial.
define sagittal plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Run vertically and divide the body into left and right portions
define midsagittal (median) plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Runs vertically and divides body into equal left and right
define parasagittal plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Run vertically and divide the body into unequal left and right
define frontal (coronal*) plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Run vertically and divide the human body into anterior &
posterior portions
define horizontal (cross-sectional or transverse) plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Run parallel to the ground and divide the human body into
superior and inferior portions, is the reference point when dividing the body into superior an inferior
define oblique plane, and if its vertical or horizontal, divides into anterior or posterior, or right or left, or superior or inferior, if it divides into equal or unequal parts, or either,
Passes through the body or an organ at an oblique angle
(i.e. any angle other than 90-degrees)
the term coronal plane is used interchangeably with “frontal” plane. “coronal” plane is not used when describing quadrupeds or embryos
multiple examples of some planes are possible. which plane has only one location
what are the two major regions is the human body divided into
axial and appendicular
define the term Head (cephalic region)
skull and face (cranium and mandible)
define the term Cervical region (neck)
region between the head and the trunk includes: 7 cervical vertebrae, oesophagus, trachea, larynx
define the term Trunk
includes thorax (chest), abdomen and pelvis
define the term Thoracic region
region between the neck and the abdomen. bounded by ribs (12 pairs), thoracic vertebrae and sternum. separated from abdomen by diaphragm, contains heart, lungs, oesophagus, and trachea
define the term Abdominal region
between thorax and pelvis. posteriorly are lumbar vertebrae. bounded by abdominal muscles and diaphragm and contains organs such as liver, stomach and small intestine
define the term Lumbar region
area around lumbar vertebrae (e.g. lumbago = aching back). kidneys sit on either side of lumbar vertebrae
define the term Pelvic region
bounded by the bones of the pelvis (ilium, ischium, pubis, sacrum bones) and the muscles which close the outlet of the pelvis.
define the term Inguinal region (groin)
anterior surface of body where trunk attaches to thighs; marked by a crease on each side.
define the term Upper limb
appendage attached at the shoulder; consists of arm, forearm, wrist, hand and fingers.
define the term *Arm (brachium)
between shoulder joint and elbow; contains the humerus.
define the term Axillary region
define the term Forearm
between the wrist and elbow; contains the radius and ulna.
define the term Wrist
joint between distal end of radius and ulna and carpal bones
define the term Hand
includes carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.
define the term Palm
anterior surface of hand when in anatomical position.
define the term Dorsum of hand
back of hand. nails are on this surface
define the term Lower Limb
appendage attached to pelvis, includes buttock, thigh, leg, ankle and foot.
define the term Thigh
portion of lower limb from hip to knee; contains femur.
define the term *Leg
portion of lower limb from knee to ankle; contains tibia and fibula
define the term Ankle
joint between tibia, fibula and talus (tarsal bone)
define the term Foot
tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges
define the term Plantar surface of
sole; surface of foot on the ground in anatomical position.
define the term Dorsum of foot
superior surface of the foot in anatomical position; toe-nails are on this surface.
define the body cavity Cranial cavity
formed by the cranial bones; contains the brain.
define the body cavity Vertebral cavity
formed by the vertebral column; contains spinal cord and beginnings f spinal nerves
define the body cavity Thoracic cavity
chest cavity; contains percardial and pleural cavities and the mediastinum
define the body cavity Mediastinum
central portion of thoracic cavity between the lungs; extends anterio-posteriorly from sternum to vertebral colomn and supero-interiorly from first rib to diaphragm; contains heart, great vessels (aorta, vena cavae), oesophagus, trachae, and thymus gland
define the body cavity Pericardial cavity
potential space between the layers of the pericardium surrounding the heart.
define the body cavity Pleural cavity
potential space between the layers of the pleura surrounding the lungs,
define the body cavity Abdominopelvic
extends from diaphragm to groin, encircled by abdominal musculature and muscle and bones of the pelvis; subdivided into abdominal and pelvic cavities.
define the body cavity Abdominal cavity
contains stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, and most of large intestine.
define the body cavity Pelvic cavity
contains urinary bladder, part of large intestine and internal reproductive organs
involving one side of the body (bilateral means involving both sides of the body)
dorsal meaning
relating to or situated near or on the back
ventral meaning
relating to the front part of the body; towards the belly
dorsiflexion definition
the backward bending and contracting of your hand or foot
plantar flexion definition
the extension of the ankle so that the foot points down and away from the leg