Tudor Revolution Flashcards
Continuity of Parliament
used for finance, HoL was dominant, still extension of noble power, royal prerogative remained
Changes to Peers
increased to 55 by 1534, making clergy a minority
change to boroughs
14 new ones elected MPs
number of Parliamentary sessions
1509-31 11 1532-40 10
unprecedented parliamentary session
lasted 7 years 1529-36
role of Parliament at by 1530s
only thing that could enforce henry’s will, statute law represented ultimate authority in England
finance system
informal household system with no regulations changed to bureaucratic system with regulated departments, people appointed on merit not patronage
Privy Council
informal council of 70-90 members replaced by formal privy council. Elite group of 20ish trusted permanent councillors assumed responsibility for running the govt
similarities with local govt
depended on JPs and powerful noble landowners. Had Councils of North, West and Wales
Act of Union
1536 reorganised local govt in border areas of England and Wales
Act of Liberties and Franchises
1536 removed and restricted special power exercised by regional nobles
Changes to local govt
Wales divided into shires like England, Welsh given representation in Parliament, Council of Wales bureaucratised and given statute authority to govern Wales
reversal of Henry VIIs attainders
cost around £15,000 from landed income 1509-1515
Annual income
1500-20 £41,000 | £32,000 by 1530s
Act of Resumption
1515 collecting debts, returning some lands to the Crown, reducing garrisons at Tournai, raised £10,000