Tubular Transport and Diuretics Flashcards
The Proximal Convoluted Tubules and their three main functions
Highly permeable to water
- this is because the PCT cell membranes express AQP1 (AQP = aquaporin)
- Water reabsorption:
- 65% of sodium and water reabsorption occurs here
- Many mitochondria to power active transport
- Extensive brush border → ⇡SA for rapid transport
- Sodium carrier proteins bring sodium into the cell (facilitated diffusion)
- cotransport
- first half of proximal tubule with glucose, amino acids, and HCO3-
- second half pf proximal tubule with chloride ions thru intercellular jxns
- counter-transport with H+ going out
- cotransport
- 60 to 80% of UF (isotonic)
- 90% of bicarbonate
- Glucose, AA, urea, uric acid
- K, Ca, PO4, Mg
- Organic anions (uric acid)
- Organic Cations (creatinine)
- Protein-bound drugs
- Major site of NH3 production
PCT Structure leading to Function
- Pars convoluta
- Where most of reabsorption takes place due to rich basolateral space
S1 cells (upper 2/3 of convoluta)
- prominent brush border
- Well-developed endoplasmic-lysosomal apparatus
- Extensive basolateral invaginations
- S2 cells (lower 1/3 of convoluta)
- Small brush border
- Pars recta
- Where most of the secretion of organic acids and bases occurs
- S2 cells (beginning of recta)
- S3 cells (rest of recta)
- Tall brush border
- Less developed endoplasmic-lysosomal apparatus
- Sparse basolateral invaginations
Loop of Henle
- Descending Loop of Henle (DLoH):
- Highly permeable to water (again, AQP1)
- Tubular fluid becomes hyperosmotic as it moves in toward the renal medulla
- this is because the DLoH is not permeable to Na+ and Cl-
- THIN ascending Loop of Henle (TnALoH)
- water permeability = 0 (almost no AQPs)
- Na+, Cl-, and K+ are reabsorbed????
- THICK ascending Loop of Henle (TcALoH)
- water permeability = 0 (almost no AQPs)
- Na+, Cl-, and K+ are reabsorbed
- 1Na+ and 2Cl- via 2° active transport (transcellularly)
- imbalance b/w ⊕ and ⊖ → formation of electro⊖ gradient inside the cell
- Ca+ , HCO3-, Mg2+ are also reabsorbed using established electro⊖ gradient (paracellularly)
- 1Na+ and 2Cl- via 2° active transport (transcellularly)
- Site of action of loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide), which inhibit the 1-sodium, 2-chloride, 1-potassium co-transporter
Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT)
- Early DCT
- Juxtaglomerular complex
- First portion of the DCT
- Provides feedback control of RBF and GFR
- Diluting segment
- Second portion of the DCT
- Reabsorbs many ions (Na+, Cl, K+, etc.), but is impermeable to water and urea
NaCl co-transporter moves sodium from lumen intp epithelial cells of DCT
- Thiazide diuretics inhibit this transporter
- Ca reabsorbed via a calcium channel on the luminal side of the DCT cell
- Juxtaglomerular complex
Collecting Duct
- What happens to water is dependent on the presence of ADH
- with ADH: principal cells express AQP2, water is reabsorbed (if medullary osmotic gradient is maintained)
- w/o ADH: no AQP2 expression → no water reabsorption
- some is reabsorbed via paracellular pathways
- Na+, Cl-, and other ions are also reabsorbed
- Usually water and ion reabsorption are balanced so that the tubular fluid does not undergo any change is osmolarity (remains at 60 mOsm)
Principal Cells
- ADH-dependent water permeability
- ADH binds to V2 GPCR (a Gs)
- Na reabsorption via ENaC
- it is in slight excess to Cl- secretion, which creates an electro⊖ gradient that helps K+ get secreted into the lumen
- ADH-dependent water permeability
Intercalated Cells
- Secrete H+ ions into the lumen and generate a HCO3- molecule that is reabsorbed
- ***Note: a few do the reverse, and are important in metabolic alkalosis
- No ENaCs so no Na reabsorption
- Secrete H+ ions into the lumen and generate a HCO3- molecule that is reabsorbed

Control Centers at the Vascular Pole of the Glomerulus
- Juxtaglomerular Apparatus (JGA)
- Baroreceptor
- Increased stretch suppresses renin
- Decreased stretch stimulates renin
- Macula Densa (MD)
- Chemoreceptor
- Decreased tubular flow or NaCl
- Increased Cl flow → afferent arteriole vasoconstriction
- Decreased Cl flow → afferent arteriole relaxation
PCT Reabsorption
- Na+ reabsorption via:
- Na+-glucose, Na+-phosphate, Na+-AA, or Na+-citrate cotransporters
- Na+-H+ exchanger (countertransport)
- Selective Na+ channel
- All powered by the favorable electrochemical gradient established by the Na+-K+ ATPase
- Eventually, all this solute reabsorption creates an osmotic gradient → water reabsorption via many AQPs and “leaky” tight junctions
- Leaky/permeable epithelium prevents the maintenance of concentration or osmotic gradients → [Na+] and osmolality of tubular fluid is equal to plasma [Na+] and osmolality
- Note: urea, potassium, and calcium reabsorption is passively linked to that of sodium, so these solutes would be affected as well.
LoH Reabsorption
- Descending LoH is permeable to water, but not to ions
- Ascending LoH is permeable to ions, but not to water
- Apical Na+-K+-Cl- cotransporter powered by basolateral Na+-K+ ATPase
- Cl- binding is the rate-limiting step for cotransporter activity
- Loop diuretics (furosemide) inhibit co-transporter by competing for Cl- binding site
- [K+] lumen << [Na+] or [Cl-] lumen
- K+ leaves tubular cell and enters lumen via apical selective K+ channel
- Generates electropositivity of lumen → passive paracellular reabsorption of Na+, Ca+, and Mg2+
- cortical TcALoH = major site of Mg2+ reabsorption
DCT Reabsorption
- Apical Na+-Cl- cotransporter
- Also powered by Na+-K+ ATPase
- NaCl reabsorption → ⇣tubular fluid [NaCl] → ⇣Cl- in the tubular lumen → ⇣Na+-Cl- contransporter activity (this is how NaCl reabsorption is limited in the LoH and DCT)
- ⇣tubular fluid [NaCl] also → ⇣lumen [Na+] → backflux of Na+ from peritubular interstitium into the lumen across tight junctions
- For these reasons, transport in LoH and DCT is flow dependent.
- Calcium Reabsorption
- Ca2+ enters the tubular cell down a favorable electrochemical gradient through apical Ca2+ channels and a Vit. D-dependent calcium-binding protein (CBP)
- Ca2+ enters peritubular interstitium via basolateral 3Na+-1Ca2+ exchanger or Ca2+-ATPase (more rare)
Collecting Duct Reabsorption
Na+ reabsorption via ENaCs
- Number of open ENaCs is under hormonal control by aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
- Aldosterone ⇡ the # of open ENaCs when volume depletion activates RAAS
- ANP ⇣ the # of open ENaCs (acts primarily in the inner medulla)
- Number of open ENaCs is under hormonal control by aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
- Aldosterone-induced entry of Na+ inside the tubular cell promotes K+ secretion from the cell into the lumen due to:
- increasing luminal negativity (since Na+ is reabsorbed without Cl-, which stays in the lumen except when undergoing passive paracellular transport)
- Na+-K+ ATPase activity at basolateral mb
Water reabsorption
- Under the control of ADH
- ADH binds V2-vasopressin-R (Gs GPCR) in the basolateral mb → activation of adenylyl cyclase → ⇡cAMP →insertion of cytosolic vesicles that contain preformed AQP2 channels in the apical mb
- AQP3 and AQP4 on basolateral mb are constitutively expressed
- Under the control of ADH