EKG Leads Flashcards
EKG Lead I
Bipolar lead
Only one L
Horizontal from R arm (-) to L arm (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the L arm.

Bipolar lead
Two Ls
R arm (-) to L leg (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the L leg.
**Visualizes the P wave best (esp R atrial enlargement)

Bipolar lead
Three Ls
L arm (-) to L leg (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the L leg.

EKG Lead aVR
Unipolar lead
All other limb leads = composite (-) reference
R arm (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the R arm

EKG Lead aVF
Unipolar lead
All other limb leads = composite (-) reference
L leg = (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the foot.

EKG Lead aVL
Unipolar lead
All other limb leads = composite (-) reference point
L arm lead = (+)
Get a (+) deflection on the EKG for that lead when the forces are directed towards the L arm.

Upward or Positive deflection
Means that forces are directed towards the (+) pole of a lead
Downward or Negative deflection
Means that forces are directed away from the (+) pole of that lead [towards the (-) pole of that lead]
Magnitude of a deflection
Represents how parallel the electrical force is to the axis of the lead being examined
That is, parallel → large magnitude
oblique → medium magnitude
Flat line on a lead
Represents an electrical force that is directed perpendicular to the lead being examined, and therefore does not register any activity by that lead.
EKG Lead V1
Anterior lead - R ventricle
4th intercostal space (ICS), 2 cm to the R of the sternum
**Visualizes L atrial enlargement on the P wave best
EKG Lead V2
Anterior lead - R ventricle
4th ICS, 2 cm to the L of the sternum
EKG Lead V3
Lateral - towards to apex
In between V2 and V4
EKG Lead V4
Lateral - at the apex
5th ICS at L mid-clavicular line
EKG Lead V5
Posterior - L ventricle
5th ICS, L anterior axillary line
EKG Lead V6
Posterior - L ventricle
5th ICS, L midaxillary line