Cardiac Action Potentials Flashcards
Phases of the Pacemaker Cell Action Potential (AP)
- Phase 4: slow, spontaneous depolarization caused by inward pacemaker current (If)
- channels that carry the If current are activated and open during repolarization phase of previous AP
- also modulated by voltage-gated Na+ channels in the SA node
- accounts for automaticity of the SA node
- Phase 0: more rapid depolarization
- voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open
- Phase 3: repolarization
- voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close
- K+ channels open

Phases of the Ventricular Myocyte AP
- Phase 0: rapid depolarization
- voltage-gated Na+ channels open (Na+ in)
- Phase 1: early phase of rapid repolarization
- voltage-gated Na+ channels are inactivated (less Na+ in) → refractory period of AP (another AP can’t fire)
- activation of transient K+ channels (K+ out)
- Phase 2: Plateau/contraction phase
- Balance between activated T-type and L-type Ca2+ channels (Ca2+ in) and K+ channels (K+ out)
- Mediates the influx of calcium needed to initiate contraction
Phase 3: late phase of rapid repolarization
- L-type channels are inactivated (less Ca2+ in)
- K+ channels remain open (more K+ out), until they deactivate at -40 mV
- Phase 4: return to RMP (-90 mV)
- time-dependent K+ channels are activated (more K+ out until RMP is reached)
- equal inward and outward currents

Differences between Ventricular Myocyte Calcium Channels
- Transient (T)-type calcium channels
- inactivate with time
- insensitive to block by dihydropyridines
- Long-lasting (L)-type calcium channels
- activated at -30 mV
- inactivates slowly
- provides the dominant Ca2+ current in virtually all cardiac cells
- sensitive to block by dihydropyridines, benzothiazepines, and phenylalkylamines
Class I Anti-Arrythmics
Sodium channel blockers
Decrease SA nodal cell automaticity by:
- Shifting the threshold to more positive potentials (⇡ threshold level)
- Decreasing the slope of phase IV depolarization (so it takes longer to reach the threshold)
Examples: ACh and adenosine

Different Class I Anti-Arrythmics
Differences are in the ventricular myocyte AP
- Class IA: moderate Na+ channel block
- ⇣⇣ phase 0 upstroke rate
- Leads to prolonged repolarization of myocytes; prolongs AP duration
- Class IB: mild Na+ channel block
- These rapidly bind to/block the Na+ channels, but also rapidly dissociate from/unblock the Na+ channels
- ⇣ phase 0 upstroke rate
- Leads to shortened repolarization of myocytes; shortens AP duration
- Class IC: marked Na+ channel block
- ⇣⇣⇣ phase 0 upstroke rate
- Does not affect duration of repolarization of myocytes; no change in AP duration

Class II Anti-Arrythmics
ß-adrenergic receptor antagonists (aka ß-blockers)
- ß1-adrenergic receptors are preferentially expressed in cardiac tissue
- ß-blockers block the sympathetic stimulation of ß1-adrenergic receptors in the SA and AV nodes
- AV node is more sensitive to ß-blockers
- Useful in the treatment of supraventricular/ventricular arrythmias that are precipitated by sympathetic stimulation
- Overall effects:
- Decrease the rate of phase 4 depolarization (especially important at SA node)
- Prolong repolarization (phase 3 - especially important at AV node)

Class III Anti-Arrythmics
K+ channel blockers
- Block the K+ flow outward in ventricular myocytes (including Purkinje fibers)
- Lead prolonged plateau phase and to markedly prolonged repolarization → prolongs AP
- ⇣ re-entry, however, can also predispose to early afterdepolarizations

Class IV Anti-Arrythmics
Ca2+ channel blockers
- Act preferentially on SA and AV nodal tissue
- Slow AP upstroke in nodal tissue → ⇣ excitiability of SA nodal cells and prolonged AV nodal conduction
- Useful in arrythmias that involve re-entry through the AV node
- *However, high doses can prolong AV nodal conduction so much that heart block results