Lab 4.4 Histology and Pathology of Blood Vessels Flashcards
Blood vessel walls
All blood vessels except capillaries have walls that contain smooth m., CT, and endothelium. The amount & arrangement of each depends on mechanical (e.g. BP) and metabolic factors.
Functions of endothelium
- Semipermeable barrier → metabolite exchange between blood and tissues
- Nonthrombogenic surface on which blood cannot clot
- but also secretion of agents that control clot formation (heparin, tPA, vWF)
- Regulate local vascular tone and blood flow by secreting factors that stimulate smooth m. contraction (endothelin-1, ACE) or relaxation (NO)
- Roles in inflammation and immune responses
- Secretes growth factors for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
Three concentric layers of vessels
- Tunica intima
- endothelium
- subendothelial loose CT layer
Arteries and large veins also contain an internal elastic lamina layer
- consists of elastin
- has holes that allow better diffusion
- Tunica media
- concentric helically arranged smooth m. cells
- variable amounts of elastic fibers, elastic lamellae, reticular fibers, & proteoglycans
- Tunica externa (adventitia)
- type I collagen and elastic fibers
- Continous with and bound to the stromal CT of the organ the vessel runs through
Three layers in aa. versus vv.
Arteries typically have
- a thicker tunica media w/ more elastin (to expand with blood when the heart contracts)
- a narrow lumen
Veins typically have
- a larger lumen
- a thicker tunica externa or adventitia
- tunica intima of veins is often folded to form valves
- Remember, capillaries only have an endothelium with none of the other layers or components
Elastic arteries
Aorta, pulmonary artery, and their largest branches (aka conducting arteries) [carotids, iliacs]
- “Conduct blood from heart and with elastic recoil help move blood forward under steady pressure”
- Well-developed intima (often w/ folds)
- Thick media
- elastic lamellae alternate w/ smooth m. fibers
- during systole elastin is stretched to distend the wall to limit set by collagen
- during diastole elastin passively rebounds and the wall recoils to maintain arterial pressure
- elastic lamellae alternate w/ smooth m. fibers
- Thinner adventitia
Muscular arteries
Coronary, renal, and popliteal aa.
- “Distribute blood to all organs and maintain steady blood pressure and flow with vasodilation and constriction”
- Tunica intima
- thin subendothelial CT layer
- prominent internal elastic lamina
- Tunica media
- many smooth m. layers with fewer elastic lamellae
- external elastic lamina present in larger aa.
- Adventitia
- CT tissue
- thinner than media
- vasa vasorum may be present
- Microvasculature
- “Resist and control blood flow to capillaries; major determinant of systemic blood pressure”
- Tunica intima
- Endothelium
- No smooth m. or CT
- absent elastic lamina
- Tunica media
- Only one or two smooth m. layers
- Tunica externa/adventitia
- thin and inconspicuous
- “Exchange metabolites by diffusion to and from cells”
- Function in groups called capillary beds
- Tunica intima
- endothelium only
- Tunica media
- pericytes only (perivascular contractile cells)
- No tunica externa/adventitia
- “Drain capillary beds; site of leukocyte exit from vasculature”
- Large diameter of the lumen compared to the overall thickness of the wall.
- Tunica intima
- endothelium
- no valves
- Tunica media
- Scattered smooth m. cells
- Tunica externa/adventitia
- none
Small Veins
- “Collect blood from venules”
- Tunica intima
- endothelium
- scattered smooth m. fibers
- Tunica media
- thin
- 2-3 layers of smooth m. cells
- Tunica externa/adventitia
- CT
- Thicker than media
Medium Veins
- “Carry blood to larger veins, with no backflow.”
- Tunica intima
- endothelium
- CT with valves
- Tunica media
- 3-5 more distinct layers of smooth m. cells
- Tunica externa/adventitia
- Thicker than media
- longitudinal smooth m. may be present
Large veins
- “Return blood to heart”
- Tunica intima
- endothelium
- CT
- Smooth m. cells
- Prominent valves
- Tunica media
- Greater than 5 layers of smooth m. cells
- Much collagen
- Tunica externa/adventitia
- Thickest layer
- Bundled longitidunal smooth muscle
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis: Endothelial injury
- Hypothesis: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory response of the arterial wall to endothelial injury.
- Endothelial injury: early lesions begin at sites of intact, but dysfunctional endothelium w/
- increased permeability
- enhanced leukocyte adhesion
- altered gene expression
- Triggers of endothelial injury are:
- HTN, hyperlipidemia, hemodynamic disturbances (turbulent blood flow), and toxins from smoking, homocysteine, and infectious agents.
- Endothelial injury: early lesions begin at sites of intact, but dysfunctional endothelium w/
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis: Inflammation
- Contributes to the initiation, progression, and complications of atherosclerotic lesions
- Dysfunctional endothelial cells express adhesion molecules that promote leukocyte binding (VCAMI binds monocytes and T cells)
- Adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium allows their migration into the arterial wall intima
- monocytes differentiate into macrophages and engulf lipoproteins (oxidized LDL, cholesterol crystals). They also produce ROS that drive LDL oxidation
- activated T cells elaborate inflammatory cytokines (IFNgamma), which stimulate macrophages, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells.
- The chronic inflammatory state → growth factor release → smooth muscle cell proliferation and matrix synthesis
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis: Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation
- Contributes to the progressive growth of atherosclerotic lesions
- Smooth muscle cell proliferation and ECM deposition convert fatty streaks (earliest lesions) into mature atheromas (plaques)
- These smooth m. cells can originate from the media or circulating precursors, but they have a proliferative & synthetic phenotype different from other medial smooth m. cells.
- Smooth m. cells synthesize the ECM
- ECM stabilizes the plaques
Histologic Features of Atherosclerotic Plaques
- Superficial fibrous cap composed of smooth muscle cells and dense collagen
- “Shoulder” (where caps meets vessel wall) composed of macrophages, T cells, and smooth muscle cells
- Necrotic core composed of lipids, necrotic debris, lipid-laden macrophages (foam cells), smooth m. cells, fibrin, thrombin, and other plasma proteins
Stable vs. Unstable Plaques
- Stable plaques have:
- densely collagenized and thickened fibrous caps
- negligible necrotic cores
- minimal inflammation
- Unstable plaques have:
- thin fibrous caps
- large lipid cores
- ⇡ inflammation
- More likely to rupture
- Pathogenesis
- Structure or fxn of CT is compromised by:
- Inadequate/abnormal CT synthesis (TGF)
- Excessive CT degradation (MMP)
- Loss of smooth m. cells (or synthesis)
- ischemia of inner or outer media (atherosclerosis or HTN, respectively)
- Structure or fxn of CT is compromised by:
- Gross
- Dilation of vessel due to change within all 3 layers of the wall
- Thrombus usually fills dilated segment
- Inflammatory AAAs - dense periaortic fibrosis
- Mycotic AAAs - suppuration
- Histologic
- Cystic medial degeneration (areas devoid of elastin)
- Radiologic
- Widened aortic arch (on CXR) or other aortic dilation
- Clots on CT
- Clinical Features - AAA (atherosclerosis)
- Obstruction of a vessel branching off aorta → ischemia of distal organs (kidneys, legs, etc.)
- Embolism from atheroma or mural thrombus
- Compression of adjacent structures (e.g. ureter) or erosion of vertebrae
- Abdominal mass that simulates a tumor
- Rupture
- risk ⇡ with ⇡ size
- Clinical Features - TAAs (HTN, Marfan Syndrome)
- Respiratory or feeding difficulties due to airway or esophageal compression
- persistent cough from irritation of recurrent laryngeal nerves
- pain caused by erosion of bone
- cardiac disease due to valvular insufficiency or narrowing of coronary ostia
- Rupture
Aortic Dissection
- Pathogenesis
- Major risk factor: HTN
- Intimal tear → blood under systemic pressure dissects through the media along laminar planes to form a blood filled channel within the aortic wall
- Gross
- Intimal tear in a region w/o atherosclerosis
- Intramural hematoma
- Histologic
- cystic medial degeneration characterized by smooth muscle layer dropout and necrosis, elastic tissue fragmentation, and accumulations of amorphous proteoglycan-rich ECM.
- Radiologic
- Aortogram - Contrast is also seen in a false lumen produced by the channel in the wall of the aorta (looks like a second large vessel)
- CT: see intimal flap b/w true lumen and false lumen
- Clinical Features
- Sudden onset of excruciating tearing or stabbing pain usually beginning in the anterior chest
- radiating to the back b/w the scapulae
- moves downward as dissection progresses
- MCC of death is rupture in pericardial, pleural, or peritoneal cavity.
- Type A (proximal w/ or w/o distal)
- Type B (distal-beyond subclavian a.)
- Sudden onset of excruciating tearing or stabbing pain usually beginning in the anterior chest