The Nephron: GFR Flashcards
Hydrostatic Pressue
Hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted at any given point by a fluid on/against a vessel wall.
HP favors fluid leaving the vessel (ultrafiltration)
Oncotic Pressure
Oncotic pressure is the force exerted by proteins in a blood vessel’s plasma.
It favors fluid re-entering the vessel (reabsorption).
Relationship of glomerulus to Bowman’s capsule
- The glomerulus, a bed of relatively impermeable glomerular capillaries, lies almost (≅5/6) completely surrounded by Bowman’s capsule
- Substances in plasma in these capillaries (except for protein and RBCs) are filtered into Bowman’s capsule to enter the glomerular filtrate
- How is this critical for the filtration process?
- Urinary excretion rate = filtration rate - reabsorption rate + secretion rate
- Filtration only substances
- e.g., creatinine
- urinary excretion rate = filtration rate
- Partially reabsorbed substances
- e.g., Na+, Cl-, HCO3- ions
- urinary excretion rate = filtration rate - reabsorption rate
- Completely reabsorbed substances
- e.g., amino acids, glucose
- urinary excretion rate = filtration rate - reabsorption rate = 0%
- Completely secreted substances
- e.g., organic acids and bases
- urinary excretion rate = filtration rate + secretion rate = 100%
- Filtration only substances
- Each substance in the plasma has a different combination of these rates and that combination determines the rate at which it will be excreted in the urine.
- Urinary excretion rate = filtration rate - reabsorption rate + secretion rate
Determinants of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
- GFR = Kf x net filtration pressure
- Balance of hydrostatic and oncotic forces acting across the capillary membrane = net filtration pressure
- hydrostatic P inside glomerular capillaries (PG)→ promotes filtration
- hydrostatic P inside Bowman’s capsule (PB) → opposes filtration
- oncotic P inside glomerular capillaries (ΠG) → opposes filtration
- oncotic P inside Bowman’s capsule (ΠB) → promotes filtration (under normal conditions ΠB = 0)
capillary filtration coefficient (Kf) = permeability x SA of capillaries
- cannot be measured directly, use Kf = GFR/net filtration pressure to calculate
- usually is not the 1° mechanism for normal day-to-day ∆s in GFR
- Pathologically can ⇣GFR (HTN & DMII → thickening of capillary basement mb → ⇣Kf)
- Glomerular capillaries have a higher rate of filtration than other capillaries because thay have a:
- higher hydrostatic pressure
- large Kf
- Normal average adult GFR = 125 mL/min (or 180 L/day, which means that entire plasma volume of ≅3 L is filtered and processed ≅60 times a day!)

Glomerular capillary membrane
- Is composed of three major layers (instead of usual two) from inner to outer:
- Endothelium
- perforated by thousands of fenestrae, which help ⇡ the filtration rate
- endothelial cells have fixed ⊖ charges that prevent the passage of proteins
- Basement membrane = meshwork of
- Collagen
- Proteoglycan fibrillae
- have large spaces water and small solutes can pass through
- proteoglycans have strong ⊖ electrical charges that prevent filtration of plasma proteins
- Epithelium with epithelial cells called podocytes
- Not continuous
- Have long foot-like processes that encircle the outer surface of the capillaries
- Slit pores between the feet are the areas through which the glomerular filtrate moves
- Also have ⊖ charges to restrict protein filtration (plasma proteins like albumin are ⊖ and repelled away)
- Endothelium
Minimal change nephropathy
- No noticeable changes in kidney histoloy but,
- ⊖ charges on basement mb are lost, so some low-MW proteins, like albumin are filtered and excreted in the urine → proteinuria or albuminuria
Increased Bowman’s Capsule Hydrostatic Pressure (PB)
- Decreases GFR
- PB ≅18 mmHg, under normal conditions
- ∆s in PB do not serve as primary means of regulating GFR
- Pathologically, obstruction of the urinary tract →⇡⇡PB → ⇣⇣GF
- e.g., ureter stones from calcium or uric acid precipitation → obstruction
- can eventually cause hydronephrosis (= distention and dilation of renal pelvis and calyces) and lead to kidney destruction
Increased Glomerular Capillary Oncotic Pressure (ΠG)
- Decreases GFR
- Influenced by:
- the arterial plasma oncotic pressure
- increasing this raises ΠG and ⇣GFR
- the fraction of plasma filtered by the glomerula capillaries [filtration fraction (FF)]
- FF = GFR/renal plasma flow
- increasing this also raises ΠG and ⇣GFR
- This is how changes in renal blood flow can influence GFR independently of glomerular hydrostatic pressure. If PGis constant:
- ⇡renal blood flow → ⇡GFR
- ⇣ renal blood flow → ⇣GFR
- the arterial plasma oncotic pressure
Increased Glomerular Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure (PG)
- Increases GFR
- PG ≅ 60 mmHg, in normal conditions
- Changes on PG serve as the primary means of physiologic regulation GFR
- ⇡PG → ⇡GFR
- ⇣PG → ⇣GFR
- PG is determined by 3 physiologically controlled variables:
- arterial pressure
- If ⇡, tends to ⇡PG, ∴ ⇡GFR
- afferent arteriolar resistance (RA)
- If ⇡RA, ⇣PG, and ∴ ⇣GFR
- If ⇣RA, ⇡ P<span>G</span>, and ∴ ⇡GFR
- efferent arteriolar resistance (RE)
- If ⇡RE, ⇡ PG, and ∴ ⇡GFR slightly
- only if slight constriction, so that renal blood flow is not reduced
- severe constriction reduces renal blood flow and tends to ⇣GFR
- BIPHASIC effect
- If ⇣RE, ⇣PG, and ∴ ⇣GFR
- If ⇡RE, ⇡ PG, and ∴ ⇡GFR slightly
- arterial pressure

Determinants of Renal Blood Flow
- Renal blood flow is determined by two things:
- Pressure gradient across the renal vasculature
- (Renal a. pressure - Renal v. pressure)
- Total renal vascular resistance
- Pressure gradient across the renal vasculature
- ∴ RBF = (RAP-RVP) / TRVR
- RAP ≅ systemic arterial pressure
- RVP ≅ 3 - 4 mmHg, under most conditions
- Most of TRVR lies in afferent arterioles, interlobular aa., and efferent arterioles. R here is controlled by:
- sympathetic NS
- various hormones
- local internal renal control mechanisms
- RBF to renal medulla via vasa recta is low compared to RBF to renal cortex
Control of GFR and RBF
- Strong Sympathetic NS activation → ⇣GFR
- causes constriction of renal arterioles (via α1-adrenergic receptors) → ⇣RBF and ⇣(or not ∆, due to efferent arteriole constriction) GFR
- most important for reducing GFR in acute disturbances like brain ischemia or severe hemorrhage, so that blood preferentially shunts to the brain and heart.
- To prevent excessive arteriolar constriction and renal ischemia, AngII and NE stimulate glomerular prostaglandin production.
- Hormones
- E and NE released from adrenal medulla → renal arteriole constriction → ⇣GFR and RBF
- Also have most influence in severe conditions
- Angiotensin II (AngII)
- low levels AngII → efferent arteriole constriction → ⇡GFR, but ⇣RBF
- afferent arteriole not very sensitive to AngII because of the action of vasodilators released there (see below)
- high levels Ang II → afferent and efferent arteriole constriction → ⇣RBF and GFR
- low levels AngII → efferent arteriole constriction → ⇡GFR, but ⇣RBF
- E and NE released from adrenal medulla → renal arteriole constriction → ⇣GFR and RBF
- Autacoids
- Endothelin = vasoconstrictor → ⇣GFR & RBF
- physiologic role not understood other than in hemostasis
- endothelium-derived Nitric Oxide (NO) → renal vasodilation → ⇣TRVR → ⇡GFR
- Prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGI2)→ renal vasodilation → ⇣TRVR → ⇡RBF and GFR
- Bradykinin → renal vasodilation → ⇣TRVR → ⇡RBF and GFR
- Endothelin = vasoconstrictor → ⇣GFR & RBF

Autoregulation of RBF and GFR
= relative constancy of RBF and GFR despite ∆s in BP due to intrinsic feedback mechanisms of the kidney (even outside the body!)
- Purpose is to allow precise control of excretion
- Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Consists of an afferent arteriole feedback mechanism and a (slightly different) efferent arteriole feedback mechanism
- Macula densa senses changes in GFR by the concentration of NaCl present within its cells
- ⇣[NaCl] means ⇣GFR → ⇡RE (due to efferent arteriole constriction via ⇡renin and AngII) and ⇣RA (due to afferent arteriole dilation via direct action from macula densa possibly with adenosine or nitric oxide release) → ⇡PG → ⇡GFR
- ⇡[NaCl] means ⇡GFR → ⇣ RE and ⇡RA → ⇣PG → ⇣GFR
- Myogenic Autoregulation
- Increased arterial pressure → Stretching of BVs → reflex contraction of arteriolar smooth muscle → ⇡RA → ⇣RBF and GFR (balancing out the initial increase in RBF and GFR from the high BP)