Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, & Thrombolytic Pharmacology Flashcards
Goal and Stages of Hemostasis
Keep the blood fluid and clot-free in normal/healthy vessels, but form a localized plug rapidly in injured vessels.
- Vasoconstriction
- Occurs immediately after vascular injury
- Mediated by a poorly understood neurogenic reflex mechanism
- Local secretion of endothelin potentiates the reflex vasoconstriction
- Vasoconstriction is transient (bleeding would resume if primary hemostasis did not occur)
- Primary Hemostasis
- Secondary Hemostasis
Primary Hemostasis
Stage of hemostasis during which platelets are activated and adhere to the subendothelial matrix. The goal is to form a plug that rapidly stabilizes vascular injury.
Primary Hemostasis – Platelet Adhesion
- von Willebrand Factor (vWF) is secreted by activated platelets and the injured endothelial cells themselves (it is present in their Weibel-Palade bodies)
- vWF binds to GPIb on platelet surface and to exposed collagen
- it mediates the adhesion of platelets to collagen
- GPVI on the platelets interacts directly with collagen
- Both interactions (GPIb:vWF:collagen and GPVI:collagen) are required for initiation of primary hemostasis
Primary Hemostasis – Platelet Activation & Granule Release
- Stimulation by ADP, Epi, and collagen → activation of platelet membrane phospholipase A2 (PLA2)
- PLA2 cleaves mb phospholipids → giving arachidonic acid → converted to cyclic endoperoxide by platelet COX → Thromboxane A2 (TxA2) by Tx synthase
- TxA2 stimulates the release of secretory granules within the platelets (also causes vasoconstriction of vascular smooth m. cells at site of injury via a GPCER → ⇣cAMP)
- Lots of ADP, Ca2+, ATP, serotonin, vWF, & platelet factor 4 are actively secreted from granules
Primary Hemostasis – Platelet Aggegration & Formation of Hemostatic Plug
- TxA2, ADP, and collagen = potent mediators of platelet aggregation
- TxA2 binds to TxA2 GPCRs in platelet mb → activation of PLC → conversion of PIP2 into IP3 and DAG → ⇡Ca2+ (via IP3) and expression of GIIb/IIIa on platelet surface (via DAG → PKC → PLA2)
- ADP binds to ADP GPCRs on the platelet surface called P2Y1 and P2Y receptors
- P2Y1 (Gq) releases Ca2+ stores from cell
P2Y (Gi) inhibits adenylyl cyclase
- target of antiplatelet agents like clopidogrel (interacted w/ omeprazole)
- These receptors mediate platelet shape change and expression of GIIb/IIIa
- Collagen bind directly to GPVI
- promotes granule release reaction
- induces conformational changes in GPIIb/IIIa so that they can (directly or indirectly) bind to collagen
- Platelets aggregate with one another via the interaction between, fibrinogen, a bridging moledule, and GPIIb/IIIa (fibrinogen:GPIIb/IIIa)
- Aggregation → formation of reversible clot = primary hemostatic plug
Secondary Hemostasis
- AKA The Coagulation Cascade
- Overlaps temporarily with the formation of the primary hemostatic plug; each process reinforces the other.
- Goal of the cascade is to form a stable fibrin clot at the site of vascular injury.
- Cascade generates thrombin, which is then cross-linked to yield the stable platelet plug
- General principles:
- It’s a sequence of enzymatic events. Activation reactions are catalytic, not stoichiometric (1 u factor X → 40 u thrombin)
- The major rxns occur at sites where phospholipid-based protein-protein complexes (composed of mb surface, enzyme, substrate, cofactor and sometimes calcium) have formed
- Intrinsic and extrinsic pathways = arbitrary division (results from in vitro study)
- Both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways lead to activation of factor X, which when coupled with factor V can cleave prothrombin into thrombin.
Secondary Hemostasis: Intrinsic Pathway of the Coagulation Cascade
- In vitro
- Starts with activation of Factor XII → XIIa
- XIIa (plus calcium) converts XI →XIa
- XIa converts IX → IXa
- Thrombin converts VIII → VIIIa
- Factors VIIIa and IXa complex together (with calcium) and convert Factor X →Xa
Secondary Hemostasis 2: Extrinsic Pathway of the Coagulation Cascade
- In vivo
- Starts with activation of tissue factor by tissue injury
- Thrombin activates factor VII → VIIa
- Activated tissue factor and VIIa (plus calcium) activate factor X → Xa
Secondary Hemostasis: Common Pathway
- Xa complexed with Va cleaves prothrombin → thrombin
- Thrombin (with calcium) cleaves fibrinogen → fibrin
- Thrombin (with calcium) activates factor XIII → XIIIa
- XIIIa converts fibrin polymers → crosslinked fibrin polymers, a highly stable meshwork or clot

Roles of Thrombin
- Converts fibrinogen (soluble) into fibrin (insoluble)
- Activates factor XIII, which cross-links insoluble fibrin polymers to make a stable meshwork or clot
- Amplifies the clotting cascade via feedback activation of factors V, VII, and VIII
- Activates platelets to cause granule release
- Regulates the coagulation response
- Binds to thrombin receptors on intact endothelial cells next to site of injury → stimulation of endothelial cells to release prostacyclin (PGI2), NO, tPA, and a tPA inhibitor (PAI-1)

How does heparin aid in the restriction of hemostasis to the site of injury?
- Endogenous heparin-like molecules or exogenously administered heparin bind to Antithrombin III (ATIII) causing a conformational change in ATIII
- ATIII can then bind to thrombin or the coagulation factors IXa-XIIa and form a stoichiometric complex that inactivates them
***This is how hemostasis is restricted to the local site of injury, since it occurs at intact areas near the site of injury.
How is the sized of the primary and secondary hemostatic plugs limited (as to not occlude the lumen)?
- Excess thrombin generation → activation of Protein C
- Activated Protein C and Protein S cleave and inactivate factors Va and VIIIa → slowing of the coagulation cascade → prevents enlarging fibrin clot from occluding the lumen
Limiting Hemostatic Plug Size: Plasmin
- Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) synthesized and secreted by the endothelium cleaves plasminogen → plasmin
- Plasmin cleaves cross-linked fibrin fibers into fibrin degradation products
- It also prevents the formation of additional clots by:
- Cleaving serum fibrinogen
- Destroying Coagulation factors
- Blocking platelet aggregation
- It also prevents the formation of additional clots by:
- Regulation of tPA and therefore plasmin:
- tPA most effective when bound to a fibrin meshwork
- tPA activity is inhibited by plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) [1 or 2]
- when local levels of thrombin are high, endothelial cells release more PAI to prevent tPA from activating plasmin and have a stable clot actually form
- tPA is neutralized by alpha2-antiplasmin (produced in the liver) to prevent degradation of fibrinogen so that primary hemostasis can occur.
Pathogenesis of Thrombosis
- Thrombosis = pathologic extension of hemostasis
- Coagulation reactions are inappropriately regulated → clots enlarge uncontrollably → occlusion of lumen
- Three major factors predispose to thrombosis (Virchow’s triad):
- Endothelial injury (can cause the two below)
- Abnormal blood flow (STASIS or turbulence)
- Can cause both endothelial injury and hypercoagulability
- Hypercoagulability
Antiplatelet agents
- Cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors
- Aspirin
- Indomethacin
- Other NSAIDs
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
- Dipyramidamole
- Cilostazol
- ADP Receptor Pathway Inhibitors
- Clopidogrel
- GPIIb/IIIa antagonists
- Abciximab
- Warfarin
- Heparin
- Selective Factor Xa Inhibitors
- Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
- Recombinant Activated Protein C
Thrombolytic Agents
Thrombolytic agents are used to lyse already-formed clots. Act by converting plasminogen → plasmin. They all carry with them the risk of systemic fibrinolysis and hemorrhage.
- Streptokinase
- Forms a Streptokinase:plasminogen complex that cleaves other plasminogens → plasmin
- Antigenic → single use only
- Approved for STEMI and PE
- Recombinant tPA (Alteplase)
- Works just like tPA
- Not antigenic
- Approved for STEMI, PE, and acute ischemic stroke
- Tenecteplase
- Genetically engineered variant of tPA with molecular modifications that increase its specificity and make it more resistant to PAI1
- longer half-life than tPA; single bolus
- Genetically engineered variant of tPA with molecular modifications that increase its specificity and make it more resistant to PAI1
- Reteplase
- Genetically engineered variant of tPA
- ⇡ specificity for fibrin
- Longer half-life; can be administered as a “double bolus” (30 minutes apart)
Coagulation Factors
Are synthesized in the liver and released/float around in the bloodstream in inactivated forms
Activation requires:
- Exposure to an activating substance
- Phospholipid surface (on the platelet itself)
- Calcium (from dense core granules of platelets)
- I = Fibrinogen
- II = Prothrombin
- III = Tissue Factor
- IV = Calcium