Tuberculosis (Koch's disease) Flashcards
Pulmonary tuberculosis is spread by?
Pulmonary tuberculosis is spread by droplet infection (coughing, sneezing etc) due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
is Mycobacterium tuberculosis aerobic or anaerobic
Strict aerobic bacteria
Why mycobacterium described by acid fast bacillus
Described as acidfast bacillius because Has mycolic acid in its cell wall( therefore able to resist decolourisation by a treatment with a mixture of acid and alcohol. during staining )
The reservoir for TB is ?
Human being with active tuberculosis
why M. tuberculosis different disease
Infection with M. tuberculosis is different from disease. Infection is the presence of organisms, which
may or may not cause clinically significant disease.
—————is asymptomatic though it may be associated with fever and pleural effusion.
Primary tuberculosis
Infection with M.tuberculosis leads to the developnent of which hypersensitivity? and may be treated with what?
Infection with M. tuberculosis typically leads to the development of delayed hypersensitivity to M. tuberculosis antigens, which can be detected by the tuberculin (Mantoux) test.
A positive tuberculin test reslts signifies of what?
A positive tuberculin test result signifies cell mediated hypersensitivity to tubercular antigens but does not differentiate between infection and disease
which stain is used for acid fast bacilli
Ziehl neelsen stain
The Ziehl neelsen stain is used to identify?
Ziehl neelsen stain is used to identify mycobacteria in a tissuesThese organisms stain as red rods (), seen here at high magnification.
What does large amount of mycolic acids impart
The large amount of mycolic acid imparts this acid-fast property to the mycobacteria and also accounts for their resistance to immune cell destruction.
The destruction of acid-fast bacilli depends upon what?
Their destruction depends upon a subtype 1 helper T-cell (TH1) immune response with CD4 cell elaboration of interferon-γ that recruits monocytes and transforms them into epithelioid macrophages, then stimulates upregulation of nitric oxide synthase within epithelioid cell and giant-cell phagosomes.
What does the PCR does in pulmonary infetions acid-fast bacilli
PCR analysis of respiratory specimens provides greater sensitivity and specificity for detection ofMycobacterium tuberculosisthan microscopy
Name the tuberculosis that develops in a previously unexposed and unsensitized individual
Primary tuberculosis
The sources of primary tuberculosis is usually endogenuous or exogenous?