Pathology of head and neck Flashcards
Posterio and anterio triangles are separated by which muscle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
List the anterio triangle differentials
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Thyropglossal cyst
- Thyroid pathology
- Carotid body tumour
- Sternocleidomasctoid tumor
- Submandibular salivary gland swelling
- Goiter
- Parathyroid gland masses
List the posterio triangle differentials
Enlarged lymph nodes
Cystic hygroma
Zenker’s diverticulum
Lymph node enlargement
List causes of cervical lymph gland enlargement
Malignancy (e.g., lymphomas) Primary neoplasms of lymph nodes/metastatic
An enlarged supraclavicular lymph gland commonly indicates intra-abdominal or thoracic disease. This gland is called Virchow’s gland; its presence is Troisier’s sign.
Children: enlarged supratrochlear LN Significant
Infection (e.g., TB),
Autoimmune disease (e.g sarcoidosis)
Iatrogenic eg dye for sentinel lymph node
Reactive hyperplasia
Portion of which duct that remains patent in Thyroglossal cyst
Thyroglossal ducts
where do we find Thryglossal cyst in the neck
Between the isthmus of the thyroid gland and the hyoid bone, and just above the hyoid bone.
Presents as midline swelling :Painless prominent lump
The thyroglossal cyst is found in which group of people
Age is Between 15 and 30 years old.
Common in females
The thyroglossal cyst moves when?
Protruding of the tongue
the thryoglossal cyst needs surgery because?
Important risk of cancer
Histology of Thyroglossal cyst
Histologically, TGDCcontains an epithelial lining of squamous or pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and ectopic thyroid gland tissue in the duct wall. TGD-associated malignancy is rare, and the majority ispapillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC).
- What is the branchial cyst
- Location?
- Size?
- componens of cyst
- Age group of people who are affected
Remnant of the second and third branchial cleft.
Behind the anterior edge of the upper third of the sternomastoid muscle
Between 5 and 10 cm long.
Filled with golden yellow fluid and shimmers with fat globules and cholesterol crystals
Mostly between the ages of 15 and 25 years
Differentiate between Branchial fistula and sinus tract
Rare congenital abnormality.
● Fistula: An abnormal connection between two epithelium-lined surfaces.
● Sinus tract: an abnormal channel that originates or ends in one opening
Characteristics of branchial fistula, cyst and sinus
Tethering of the skin upon swallowing
Histology of branchial cleft cyst
Lining of the cyst is usually a stratified squamous epithelium or columnar ciliated epithelium.
Often there are marked inflammatory changes and the epithelium overlying the lymphoid tissue is attenuated/absent
History of carotid body tumour (chemodectoma)
○ Between the ages of 40 and 60 years.
○ Benign, Painless & slowly growing lump.
○ Symptoms of transient cerebral ischaemia
Rare tumour of the chemoreceptor tissue in the carotid body
Carotid body tumour(chemodectoma)
Explain the carotid tumour :
1. Lateral neck swelling:
2. Size:
3. Appearance:
Lateral neck swelling: upper part of the anterior triangle of the neck, level with the hyoid bone and beneath the anterior edge of the sternomastoid muscle.
●Size : Vary from 2–3 cm to 10 cm in diameter.
● Solid and hard, dull to percussion and do not fluctuate, Sometimes they pulsate.
Explain the cystic hygroma: Iatrogenic
● Found around the base of the neck, usually in the posterior triangle.
● Diffuse swelling, not tender, not hot & normal skin.
Where does the trancucence occurs
commonly occur near the root of the arm and the leg
Explain the congenital cystic hygroma
Pediatric (Cystic hygroma) Congenital
○ Adults (Lymph cyst and lymphocele)
● Congenital collection of lymphatic sacs in underdeveloped lymphatic channels that contain clear, colourless lymph.
what is a cervical rib?
basically it is additional rib from lower cervical vertebra adherent to the first rib by fibrous bands
what does the cervical ribs causes
- Narrowing of the thoracic outlet
- compression:
subclavian artery
Brachial plexus
What does the cervical ribs results to?
Although a cervical rib can cause serious neurological and vascular symptoms in the upper arm , clinical examination of the neck does not usually reveal any abnormalities (Discovered by x-ray)
Pharyngeal pouch is known as what?
Zenker’s diverticulum
what is zenker’s diverticulum?
Pulsion’ diverticulum of the pharynx between the cricopharyngeus muscle below and the lowermost fibres of the inferior constrictor muscle above.
Explain the microscopic evaluation of the zenker’s diverticulum
Microscopic evaluation of the pouchusually shows a sac containing stratified squamous epithelium, and the submucosa lining often shows fibrous tissue. Rarely, ulcerations or evidence of cancer, squamous cell or carcinoma in situ, may be present
Explain the history of zenker’s diverticulum
○ Long history of halitosis
○ regurgitation of froth and undigested food.
○ It can be compressed and sometimes emptied with gurgling sounds