TSM 1.18 Flashcards
what are the twelve cranial nerves?
1) Olfactory
2) optic
3) Oculomotor
4) Trochlear
5) trigeminal
6) Abducens
7) facial
8) Vestibulo-cochlear
9) glossopharyngeal
10) vagus
11) Spinal accessory
12) Hypoglossal
which nerves are motor?
3,4,6,11 and 12
which nerves have both sensory and motor?
5,7, 9 and 10
which nerves are sensory?
1,2 and 8
between sensory and motor which one is located more lateral?
what is the functions of nucleus of oculomotor?
- superior rectus
- inferior rectus
- medial rectus
- inferior oblique
- levator palpebrae superioris
what is the functions of nucleus of trochlear?
superior oblique
what is the functions of nucleus of abducent?
lacteral rectus
what is the function of nucleus of hypoglossal nerve?
muscle of tongue
what is the function of motor nucleus of trigeminal?
- muscles of mastication
- tensor tympani
- tensor palatini
- mylohyoid
- anterior belly digastric
what is the function of nucleus of facial nerve?
- facial expression
- posterior belly digastric
- stylohyoid
- stapedius
what is the function of nucleus ambiguus?
- skeletal muscle of pharynx, larynx and soft palate
what is the function of edinger westphal nucleus?
- shincter pupillae
- ciliary muscle
what is the function of superior salivatory nucleus?
- submandibular
- sublingual
- lacrimal
what is the function of inferior salivatory nucleus?
- parotid gland
what is the function of nucleus of solitary tract?
- taste
- visceral sensation
which cranial nerve is responsible for taste sensation on anterior 2/3 tongue?
- facial
which cranial nerve is responsible for taste sensation on posterioer 1/3 of tongue?
- glossopharyngeal
which cranial nerve is responsible for taste sensation from epiglottis?
- vagus
what is the function of mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal?
what is the function of chief censory nucleus of trigeminal nerve?
fine touch on face
what is the function of spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve?
pain and temperature from face