Troubleshooting - All Chapters Flashcards
Gas chromatograph:
If the sum of all gases analyzed is less than 100%, what should you do?
Increase the gain until the sum is 100%
Infrared Absorption Analyzer:
What 2 things are most likely to affect your results?
Long ___ ___ and ___
long sample lines and moisture.
There are “spikes” in your N2 readings from a geissler tube ionizer. What is the most likely cause?
moisture will cause spikes in a geissler tube ionizer.
Your blood gas analyzer shows consistent “unstable”, “noisy” or “erratic” readings. What should you do?
You should replace the membranes. Unstable readings indicate worn or ruptures membranes.
When troubleshooting a blood gas analyzer, what should you try to do before replacing membranes if given the option?
Check solution and gas cylinder levels, and replace if necessary.
When troubleshooting galvanic fuel cell/Zirconium fuel cell O2 analyzers, what should you do if you cannot calibrate the cell?
Replace it.
You are unable to calibrate a polarographic O2 analyzer. What would you check first to determine the problem?
Check the batteries and electrolyte level when troubleshooting a polarographic O2 analyzer during calibration.
What will typically cause errors in turbine style pneumotachometers such as the Wright respirometer?
What will cause a false high volume reading on a pressure differential pneumotachometer?
What will also cause a low reading on a pressure differential pneumotachometer after cleaning due to being present in the transducer lines?
What will cause decreased resistance and result in a false low reading on a thermal element?
(This will probably not be on the test)
A hole in the mesh screen
The alarm is sounding on an air/oxygen proportioner (blender). What should you do?
Check the gas source pressure. A blender will alarm is the inlet pressure is below 40psi.
Your patient passes out during an FVC maneuver. What do you suspect?
Decreased venous return (a vaso-vagal response)
If your patient produces an MVV that is less than FEV1 x 35, what do you suspect?
poor effort.
How will a leak affect a DLCO test? Why?
DLCO will be falsely increased due to a leak. This is because the CO will diffuse through the leak. If the CO is lost in the leak, the test will show the diffusing value as increased.
How should a patient perform a DLCO?
Exhale to RV
Quickly inhale to TLC
Hold breath for 10 seconds (8-12 is ok)
Exhale Rapidly
What are the gas concentrations used in a DLCO test?
0.3% CO
10% helium
remainder is room air (21% O2 and balance N2)
What DLCO test is the most commonly used in the clinical setting?
DLCO-SB (single breath)
What DLCO test is the best method for patients who cannot follow instructions? What are the gas concentrations used? Describe the test.
DLCO-SS (steady state)
0.1%-0.2% CO, balance room air (21% O2 and remainder N2)
Patient rebreathes above gas concentration for 5-6 minutes. This test requires an ABG.
Which DLCO should you use during an exercise test? Why?
The DLCO-IB (intrabreath)
This is best for exercise because there is no breath hold.
Bonus Lung Test Question: (may be on the exam)
What do you need to do to get a “Membrane Diffusion Coefficient/Factor (Dm)
You should perform 2 different diffusion studies at 2 levels of oxygen (high and low).
This is so that you can extrapolate a line of values across different levels of O2 between your 2 measured points.
What color is the dessicant CaSO4 (Drierite) when new? What color does it turn when it needs to be replaced?
CaSO4 (Drierite) is Blue when new, and Pink when it needs to be replaced.