Equipment Operation - Flash Cards
The polarographic sensor measures ___
There are 2 O’s in polarographic (O2)
Infrared absorption analyzer measures ___, ___, and ___
Carbon monoxide
Carbon dioxide
The Geissler tube ionizer measures ___
Thermal conductivity mesures ___ (an inert gas) and is also know as the ___ ___.
Known as the “wheatstone bridge”
Helium is inert and safe to use with heat.
A “chopper motor” is a part of what type of analyzer
Infrared absorption analyzer
This electrode measures CO2 in blood gas analyzers.
Severinghaus electrode
This electrode measures O2 in blood gas analyzers, and is known for being the “most troublesome electrode”.
Word association:
The following words are associated with the ___ electrode, which measures O2.
It is also troublesome when used with a Mylar membrane.
This electrode measures pH in blood gas analyzers, and requires a KCl buffer solution.
How many electrodes are in the Sanz electrode?
Two. The reference electrode and measuring electrode
With the Sanz electrode, what two steps should you use to troubleshoot “unstable”, “noisy” or “erratic” readings?
- Always check the tank levels first.
- Replace the membranes.
* if the question states that you keep getting consistent unstable readings, the membrane needs to be replaced.
Note: Sanz electrode measures pH.
Calcium sulfate (aka Drierite) is a ___.
Desiccant. It removes water vapor from the gas.
Name 2 CO2 scrubbers used in pulmonary function testing.
Barium hydroxide
Sodium hydroxide
Name the “preferred” oxygen analyzer used in PFT’s.
What is the low and high calibration point for Fio2?
What is the low and high calibration point for exercise testing?
Galvanic fuel cell/Zirconium fuel cell
Fio2: 21% - 100%
Exercise testing (Feo2): 12% - 21%
This is a method used for quality control of blood gas analyzers.
*it is a device that allows precise gas mixtures to be equilibrated with a buffer solution or whole blood samples.
All breathing valves should have these 4 features.
low deadspace
low resistance
low compliance
easy to clean
A sine wave rotary pump is used to calibrate this piece of PFT equipment.
Body box (body plethysmograph)
At what heart rate should you stop a SVN treatment?
An increase in ___ bpm or more is considered an adverse reaction to an SVN tx.
Stop tx at 100 bpm
> 20 bpm is considered an adverse reaction.
True or False:
A body box FRC will be larger than that of a helium diution or nitrogen washout test, because it includes trapped gas.
Body box calibration will involve:
Mouth pressure verification with a ___
Flow verification with a ___
Box pressure calibration with a ___ ___ ___ ___
Barometer (mercury or water)
Sine-wave rotary pump
True or False:
The body box is the most accurate way to measure air trapping and FRC in patients with obstructive lung disease.
When should you use an arm ergometer for exercise testing
When the patient is unable to perform leg exercise (no legs, leg injury, etc)
What is the most common tool used for exercising the patient? Is it considered the best method?
What exercise equipment would you recommend for a patient who is obese or is a fall risk on the treadmill?
Leg ergometer (stationary bicycle)
What is the best ECG limb lead?
Which limb does the negative electrode go on?
Lead II.
Negative electrode goes on the right arm.
What is the best ECG chest lead?
V5. It sits on top of the left ventricle.
This is a common troubleshooting question:
If an alarm is activated on an air/oxygen proportioner (blender), what is most likely to be the problem? What should you do?
Low inlet pressure (< 40 psi)
You should check the gas source pressure.
A water barometer is also known as a?
What is the difference between disinfection and sterilization?
Disinfection kills pathogenic organisms.
Sterilization kills everything.
True or False:
“Physical methods” of disinfection and sterilization such as
Steam autoclave
are not as effective as “chemical methods” such as
ethylene oxide alkaline glutaraldehyde (Cidex).
True. Chemical methods are alway the better choice.
What chemical should you use to clean blood spills?
Which chemical is best to use when sterilizing equipment (especially delicate/sensitive equipment) if cost is not a factor?
Ethylene oxide
Which chemical is considered the next best option for disinfection/sterilization if ethylene oxide is not available, or costs is a factor?
Alkaline gluteraldehyde (Cidex)
What two pieces of equipment should be available when performing cardiopulmonary stress testing?
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