Triune God chapter 3 Flashcards
Youcat 183 about music (when)
“When words are not enough to praise God, music comes to our aid.”
Luke 2 - Gloria
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will”
Deuteronomy 6 (one God) and explain
“The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.” God is one, there are three persons in one God
Matthew 3 (God baptism) and explain
“And a voice came from heaven and said ‘this is my son the beloved and with you I am well pleased’.” HS as dove on Jesus to show relationship, Son has always existed in God, HS is bond of love
Youcat 35 - “We know that…”
“We know that God is triune from Jesus Christ.”
Nicene Creed (I believe)
“I believe in one God, the father almighty”
Matthew 28 (baptism)
“Baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HS.”
Youcat 469 - prayer
“Prayer is turning the heart towards God.”
How does music help in worship?
Unites people of all ages in praise
More joyous
Inspiring / closer to God
More involved
What is Plainchant?
Ancient form of music, in Latin
What are traditional hymns?
Help raise hearts and minds to God
What is contemporary worship?
More upbeat, some believe it is disrespectful and distracting
What are mass settings?
Alleluia, Glory to God, contemporary but suited to public worship
What are the Eucharistic acclamations?
Sanctus - ‘Holy’ is repeated 3x (trinity), brings together different cultures
Mystery of faith - proclaims Christ’s life, should be powerful
God the Father, Son and HS explained.
Father - CREATOR and source of all life
Son - SAVIOUR, took on human nature, rose from the dead, has always been God
HS - GIVER OF LIFE, unites in love, inspires to know the will of God
What is a Christian mission?
Church sends care to others, organisations for education and supplies, love other as they love God and show this through actions
What is Evangelism?
Preaching the gospel, share knowledge / experience of God
What happened at Baptism of Jesus?
Spirit descends, voice of Father proclaims his son, all three are present
What did St Augustine say?
God is love, must be a lover, person to love and the love to unite them, God loves (HS) the son, love can’t exist on its own, poured out to believers
What did Catherine LaCugna say?
Everything to know about God is self revelation, son was always part of God (eternal generation), Christ brings redemption to save us
What is the magisterium?
Bishops who were appointed successors to apostles, pope guides the church, discuss teachings and reach a decision for all believers, declarations are infallible as HS guides them
What were the councils?
Nicaea - Heresy was that the son didn’t always exist, solution was that both have always existed / co eternal
Constantinople - Heresy was that Jesus had human body but divine mind and doubts about the nature of HS, solution was that the HS is the giver of life and Jesus was born fully human
What are symbols of baptism?
Total immersion - symbol of joining Christ in the tomb
Sprinkling water - symbolic gesture of rising to new life
Water - Symbol of HS who calls us to faith, filled with HS
What is the importance of baptism?
Sign of initiation into belief of Christ, member of Church (body of Christ), cleansed of sins, gives identity, baptised in name of F, S and HS
What does prayer do?
Raises heart and mind to God, offer sacrifice of Eucharist, all prayer’s joined in Christ’s prayer, offered to God
What is traditional prayer?
Our Father, Hail Mary - don’t have to think of words, simple repetition and reflection, brings comfort or immediate support
What is spontaneous prayer?
Choose own words, HS guides, particular concerns to share, speak in tongues - taken over by HS, more sincere
What are some prayer positions?
Kneeling - submissive to God’s will
Genuflecting - acknowledges God’s presence
Prostrating - total humility, plead for help
Standing - acceptance that God has allowed them to be there, act of behalf of God
Bowing - shows respect, acknowledges he is great
Sitting - comfortable, able to sit still for long times, no distractions, conversational
Walking - God is with you in everyday life, prayer is ongoing