Theme A (chapter 11): Religion, Relationships and Families Flashcards
11.1 Explain 3 Catholic teachings on the purpose of sex
Marital, Unitive and Procreative
11.2 What is the Theology of the Body?
Pope John Paul II’s idea of sexual relationships and relationships between sexes
11.2 State 3 things from the Theology of the Body.
- Men and women give themselves to each other completely through sex
- Using contraception is wrong/extramarital sex ruins its significance
- Adultery breaks marriage vows and stops it being a sign of commitment
11.3 What does the CC believe about sex before marriage?
It is wrong since the gift of virginity should only be shared with the person you have promised to spend the rest of your life with/sex is the final step in joining two in a lasting bond
11.3 What does the CC believe about homosexuality?
Homosexuals should be accepted but shouldn’t be together physically since they cannot procreate
11.4 State 3 conditions needed for a Catholic marriage.
Person must be free to marry, cannot be forced into marriage and couple cannot be closely related
11.5 What are the 3 things the CC values marriage as.
- An exclusive union between 2 people
- A sacrament and symbol of God’s love/blessing through the couple
- A sign of love for Christ for the Church
11.5 State 2 marriage promises.
“In sickness and in health”
“For better for worse”
“To have and to hold, from his day forward”
“Till death do us part”
11.6 What is cohabitation?
Living together and having a sexual relationship but not being married
11.6 What is annulment and what does the CC believe about it?
When the CC declares that marriage wasn’t valid in the first place since something was wrong in the commitment
11.6 What is divorce and what does the CC believe about it?
The legal ending of a marriage but the CC does not agree with this since it means the promises were broken
11.6 What is remarriage and what does the CC believe about it?
When someone marries again, the CC believes it should only be allowed if an annulment is given or a spouse has died
11.6 Give 3 arguments for divorce.
If the children are being hurt there is no point staying married. 42% of marriages end in divorce so there is a need for divorce laws. If a couple cause emotional pain, divorce may be the best solution
11.7 What is family planning?
The practise of controlling how many children a couple have and when they have them
11.7 What does the CC believe about contraception?
It makes sex non-procreative so does not fulfill its purpose
11.7 State one contrasting view on family planning/contraception.
Many people think it is responsible to prevent unwanted pregnancies
11.8 State 2 tasks of the family.
To form a community, to support the personal development of each individual, to share in the development of the wider society, to share in the life and mission of the church.
11.8 What are the 3 natures of family?
Procreation, security and education
11.8 Give a quote to support the nature of family.
“Family communion can only be preserved and perfected through a great spirit of sacrifice.” Familiaris Consortio 21
11.9 What does the CC believe about roles in the family?
People play different roles, each role should be respected and supported, they mutually work together, no role is better than another
11.9 What are today’s society’s beliefs about roles in the family?
Roles can vary depending on what is best for a specific situation
11.9 Give 2 points about same sex/single parents.
The CC does not encourage these unions, same sex parents are now able to acquire the same legal rights as other parents, 25% of children in Britain have single parents
11.10 Give a quote which shows men and women as equal.
“God created humankind in his image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 2:23
11.10 State 2 importances of women in the bible.
- Deborah acted as a judge (Judges 4:4-10)
- Esther brought freedom to the Jews from the Persians (Esther 4-5)
- Mary, as the mother of Jesus
11.10 State 1 importance of men in the bible.
- Jesus’ 12 apostles are men
- Largely male followers who travelled around the Roman Empire
11.11 What are 2 Catholic teachings about equality?
God made man and woman in his image and likeness, men and women have different roles, differences must be respected, their roles are complementary
11.11 Give a quote to support Catholic teachings on equality.
“God endowed men and women with identical dignity as persons… Equal dignity and equal rights, nevertheless, do not mean uniformity.”
11.11 What is a contrasting view about Catholic teachings on equality?
Men and women should not have predefined roles, e.g why shouldn’t women allowed to be priests?
They should have equal opportunities and are both capable of fulfilling the same role.
11.12 What is the difference between gender prejudice and gender discrimination?
Gender prejudice is the attitude that men are better than women, Gender discrimination is turning the attitude into action
11.12 What are 2 teachings on gender prejudice and gender discrimination?
The Church believes it is not acceptable to treat men and women differently in the same situation, no distinction should be made between the sexes in any particular situation
11.12 What are 2 contrasting views on gender prejudice and gender discrimination?
Gender discrimination is illegal but still occurs (women are still being paid less than men), many disagree with teachings that men and women should fulfill particular roles