Creation Chapter 1 Flashcards
Laudato Si 21 (about the earth)
Pope Francis
“The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.”
Youcat 333 (natural law)
“if people are to do good and avoid evil, what is good and evil must be inscribed within them.”
What are some beliefs shown in the Creation of Adam?
Creation is beautiful
Humans are children of God/in the image of God
God is omnipotent/ancient/transcendent
Close relationship between God and man
Quote for God as creator
“God created the heavens and the earth” Gen 1-2
Quote for God as omnipotent
“Let there be light” and there was light” Gen 1-2
Quote for God as Transcendent
“Then let us make humankind in our image” Gen 1-2
Quote for God as benevolent
“God saw everything he had made and it was good” Gen 1-2
Two beliefs about natural law
God made everything good
Do good and avoid evil
Humans have good inscribed in them
How does God as creator influence us?
Free will
Life is given by God and cannot be taken by humans
Life is holy/sacred
We are above animals
What are some Catholic beliefs about the Creation of Adam?
Full of strength and potential, made in the image and likeness of God, outstretched arm to show close relationship, God is transcendent and omnipotent, God is the creator of everything
What are some controversial views on the Creation of Adam?
Gen 2 states that Adam was made out of dust, he was not touched by God, God and Adam seem the same size however they are not supposed to be equal
How does the mosaic show God as powerful?
God’s hand is large to show his greatness and power, lines extend to the edge to show that God created everything and his influence and power touch all things
How is God shown in the mosaic?
Only his hand - the creating power
Shows God as infinite
What does gen 1 teach about the nature of God?
Creator - all creation is special as it was created by God so should be cared for/looked after, Gen 1 shows that humans share qualities with God
Omnipotent - “it was very good.” God has the power to do anything he wants
Transcendent - “Let there be light’ and there was light” Gen 1, God only says words in order to create, he is beyond human understanding
Quote from gen 2 of creation of humans
“the Lord God formed man from the dust on the ground…” Gen 2
How does Gen 2 show God giving humans free will?
Describes how God made the garden on Eden, tells Adam to eat from any tree except one, he commands but doesn’t prevent so Adam has a choice to eat from the tree or not
What do the Gen stories teach about Stewardship?
Gen 2 - God tells Adam to “till it and keep it” - tells us to look after the world with care and love
Christians believe we have a duty to care for and look after the environment as the world was a gift from God
How does Gen 1 teach that humans have dignity?
God made humans “in his image” Gen 1, all humans are equal because we share God’s qualities so all have dignity
What do the Gen stories teach about the sanctity of life?
Gen 1 - God blesses humans after creating them, all creation is holy, life is sacred and holy, Catholics are against euthanasia and abortion
Give two examples of books in the OT and what they contain
Law - contains laws given by God to the Jews, include 10 commandments
Prophecy - Prophets who inspired others to remain faithful and who taught about God
Give two examples of books in the NT and what they contain
Gospels - the actions and teachings of Jesus
Epistles - letters by apostles on how to follow Jesus’ teachings
Why is the NT more reliable?
Backed by the authority of someone close the the apostles, written early on, agreed with other Christian beliefs, accepted by all Christian churches
How is the Bible the word of God?
God guided the writings through the HS (inspiration)
Bible contains word of God given by prophets - passed on God’s message
Bible tells of the actions and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels
Bible contains writings of apostles and epistles - Jesus’ closest followers
Why is the magisterium important?
Catholics are guided through interpretations of the Bible through the magisterium, magisterium is inspired and guided by HS
What are Catholic interpretations of the Gen stories?
Myths - stories that convey spiritual truths, not to be taken literally, 6 days is a metaphor for a longer period of time
What are fundamentalists interpretations of the Gen stories?
Literal - Bible is word of God so accurate in all ways, God loves us so wouldn’t mislead us with incorrect information, God created the world in exactly 6 days
What is natural law?
Humans are born with the understanding of right and wrong because “God made all creation good”, “humans are made in the image of God”
How do religion and science support each other?
Ask different questions (science asks how, religion asks why), if Gen stories are myths then evolution doesn’t contradict these beliefs
Why should humans care for the environment?
All creation was made by God and is good (gen 1) so it should all be valued, God made us stewards of the earth (gen 2) so we have responsibility, “love your neighbour” means to look after the earth as it will affect others and future generations
How can Catholics care for the environment?
Locally - recycle, less waste, public transport, educate others
National - put pressure on politicians to support laws that protect the environment, support eco-friendly businesses
Global - put pressure on governments for international meetings, boycott/expose companies that threaten the environment
What is CAFOD’s work on sustainability?
Encourages people to live more simply and use fewer natural products, campaign for government to take action, support projects that use renewable energy