Redemption chapter 4 Flashcards
4.1 What were Catholic churches built before 1965 like?
Built facing towards Jerusalem, mass said in Latin, people not directly involved, priest had his back to the people, churches built in a cross shape
4.1 What are Catholic churches built after 1965 like?
Focus on allowing people to see and join in with mass, alters have been brought forward and some are in the centre of the building, churches are colourful and decorated for God to feel respected
4.1 What are the stations of the cross?
A series of 14 images that remind Catholics of Jesus’ final journey to the cross
4.2 What are the four ways that Christ is present in the Eucharist?
In the hosts and wine, in the readings from the bible, in the priest and in the worshippers
4.2 What is the purpose of the lectern?
Two readings are read from the lectern at every mass, as Jesus is the word of God Christ is truly present when the word of God is proclaimed, lectern should be in a place where people can see and hear clearly
4.2 What is the purpose of the altar?
Altar is a place of sacrifice, people offer bread and wine to God, the last supper / death / resurrection is remembered
4.2 What is the importance of the crucifix?
Is a reminder that Jesus suffered for the sake of humanity, shows his love for us
4.2 What is the importance of the tabernacle?
Consecrated bread is reserved for later use (communion for those who cannot go to church) and placed in the tabernacle, it houses the real presence of Christ and can give a sense of peace
4.3 Why do some churches have an altar whilst others have a table?
Altar is a place of sacrifice and thanksgiving, reminder of offerings and Jesus’s sacrifice
Table because the mass is a re-enactment of the Last Supper and they ate around a table, Christians join in with this mean
4.3 Why do some people prefer a crucifix?
Shows Christ on the cross in pain, reminder of his suffering out of love for humanity, is a permanent reminder of the price Jesus paid to free people from sins
4.3 Why do some people prefer a cross?
Does not include Jesus so not worshipping an idol, symbol of victory over death, Jesus is now risen so not on the cross anymore, symbol of triumph over sin and death
4.3 Why do some people prefer the Risen Christ?
Jesus is our risen and glorified saviour, what Catholics receive communion is the body, blood, soul and divinity of the risen christ
4.4 How did Jesus’ death bring redemption?
Jesus lived in total obedience to God, he showed love at all times, he died doing all the right things, it was through this sacrifice that our relationship with God was restored
4.4 How did the resurrection bring redemption?
Because Jesus never rejected God, God raised Jesus from the dead and destroyed the ultimate power of sin and death, through resurrection the harmony of creation was restored
4.4 How did the ascension bring redemption?
Jesus goes to be with God at the ascension and takes his place at God’s right hand, the defeat of sins make all things holy, the whole of creation will accept God and this will be the restoration of creation
4.5 What was the significance of Jesus’ death?
The sky turned grey and there was an earthquake - Jesus’ death affected the whole creation
Veil in the temple ripped in two - barrier between God and humanity had been broken
Water and blood flowed from Jesus’ side - importance of waters of baptism and blood of Eucharist
4.5 What is the significance of Jesus’ burial?
When Jesus died, he joined everyone who died before him. When he overcame sin and death, all those who dies rose up to heaven with him. Shows that God is with us even in death
4.5 What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection?
His followers did not recognise him meaning something had changed about him, he was present in bodily form as he was touched and ate food, he was no longer limited by human abilities (he was able to appear in a locked room), he knew what was happening even when he was not visible
4.5 What is the significance of Jesus’ ascension?
Jesus is with the Father and shares his glory for eternity, he promised to send his spirit to continue his work and works through his believers,
4.6 How has salvation come in the past?
Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinners have been free from sin and death, salvation is God’s free gift of grace
4.6 Why is salvation an ongoing process?
Christ won victory over death and sin but believers need to be guided by the HS every day so can resist the temptation of sin
4.6 How will salvation come in the future?
It will come at the end of time when God’s kingdom is in full power and all death and sin will be destroyed, but we need to experience this first or heaven would have no meaning
4.7 Quote from Mark 15 about the crucifixion
“Jesus cried out in a loud voice ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
4.7 How is Jesus an example?
Jesus knew what was going to happen but still obeyed the will of God, Jesus had total love for the Father and for humanity, through this we are saved
4.7 How is Jesus the restorer?
By Jesus’ total obedience to the will of God, he restored humanity’s close relationship with God
4.7 How is Jesus the victor?
Jesus was fully human and had human experiences, he brought God’s presence and made it possible for humans to share in their defeat, we are now able to share in the divine condition
4.7 What points did John make in his account about the resurrection?
The disciples did not understand what happened, they thought Jesus’ body was stolen - this means they needed to be persuaded that it actually happened
Jesus was physically present when he spoke to Mary but she did not recognise him - shows that he entered a new creation, redemption makes all things new and perfect
4.8 What happened at Jesus’ ascension?
He promised he would send his spirit to complete his work, disciples were witnesses, he would return in glory to complete redemption at the end of time
4.8 Quote for pentecost
“And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind… divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.” Acts 2
4.8 What did the HS do at pentecost?
Filled the disciples, lead Jesus’ followers to a new redeemed creation, fire and wind symbolise the presence of God, spirit gives the disciples the ability to proclaim the good news
4.8 What did St Irenaeus teach about salvation?
All humans are affected by the rejection of God’s will (Adam and Eve), it was Jesus that saved us from the effects of sin, acceptance to the will of God outweighs all human sins
4.8 What did St Anselm teach about salvation?
Through sin, humans reject God, the only way to atone is to be totally obedient to God, Jesus paid a ransom for us,
4.9 What is the meaning of conscience?
Voice of God in our hearts and souls, the HS guides us to make the right choices, natural law tells us to ‘love good and avoid evil’ (Gaudium et spes), 10 commandments guide us, teachings of CC are infallible
4.9 Quote for conscience
“Conscience is the inner voice in a man…” Youcat 295
4.10 What is the Eucharistic prayer?
“Take this all of you and eat it…” said at consecration, Jesus was anticipating his death, breaking bread symbolised his death, blood is the new covenant between God and humans
4.10 What happens at communion?
Receive body, blood and divinity of Christ, believers are brought closer to Christ, they are given the power and grace to resist temptation, Jesus’ words are remembered
4.11 What is mass for Catholics?
Offering of Christ on the cross as highest form of prayer, re-enactment of this sacrifice, acts of love reflect total love for the Father, the body and blood give life to the soul, sunday mass ‘keeps the Sabbath holy’
4.11 What is mass for Orthodox christians?
More symbolism and rituals, consecration takes place behind holy doors as it is too holy to be seen by congregation, christ is fully present in the Eucharist,
4.11 What is mass for Anglican Christians?
Eucharist become body and blood, spirit of Christ is received when communion is given, christ is present in the community
4.11 What is mass for Nonconformist Christians
Eucharist is a memorial of Last supper, Christ is present in the word of God (readings), Christ enters their lives through communion but does not become body and blood
4.12 What happens at consecration?
Reality of bread and wine changes, we share in Christ’s defeat of sin and death, ‘This is my body’ so not a symbol, Jesus gave disciples power to re-enact what he had done
4.12 What is the Agnus Dei?
“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world…” Reminder of passover when Jews ar lamb and put blood on the door, lamb was a sacrifice, Jesus is the new lamb, we have been saved by the Lamb of God
4.12 What is Eucharistic adoration?
Christ is present in the Blessed sacrament, treated with respect, extra host placed in tabernacle, people pray here as it contains the Real Presence of Christ
4.12 What is Benediction?
Consecrated host is exposed in a monstrance for people to worship, the presence of Christ is praised and people are blessed with the Real Presence