Incarnation chapter 2 Flashcards
2.1 What does incarnation mean?
God taking on human form as Jesus
2.1 What does the incarnation show?
God loves the human race so much that he sent his only son to save us
2.1 Quote from Luke 1:26 about the annunciation
“You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.”
2.1 What did God bring to us through Mary?
His free gift of grace which we must freely accept
2.2 How is Joseph shown in God’s message?
He was willing to obey God’s plan, no matter the cost
2.2 Quote from Matthew 1:18 about Joseph
“She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
2.2 What are the differences between Matthew and Luke’s accounts?
Matthew focused on Joseph’s role as women had limited roles in Judaism at the time, Luke wrote to Christians who had a higher value of women so wrote about Mary
2.2 What are the similarities between Matthew and Luke’s accounts?
Mary was a virgin, God worked through humans for his plan to come about, Jesus was conceived by the power of the HS, an angel announced Jesus’ birth
2.3 Quote from John 1 about Jesus as the word
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was God… and the word became flesh and lived among us…”
2.3 What is the Word of God?
An eternal being, was God, word and God co exist, word took on human nature, is expressed in God’s love for humans and is a free gift
2.4 How was Jesus shown as the Son of man?
He was a norman human being, was tempted, ate and drank, pitied the widow, wept when his friend died, suffered and died in agony
2.4 How was Jesus shown as the Son of God?
Was arrested and put on trial, directly replied that he was the Son of God, resurrected to God’s right hand
2.5 What are symbols used for?
Portraying abstract truths and direct the mind to something that cannot be fully explained with words
2.5 What does the Ichthus fish symbolise?
When Christians were persecuted, they drew the fish to show they were a Christian, it is an acronym for Jesus Christ God Son Saviour
2.5 What does Alpha and Omega symbolise?
Alpha is first letter of Greek alphabet, Omega is last, shows that God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end
2.5 What is Chi-Rho a symbol of?
First two letters of the Greek word for Christ (X,P), reminder of Jesus’ death
2.6 What are some reasons against religious art?
Not possible to show God as infinite, ‘Do not worship idols’, seems that an image is being worshipped as a God, can give wrong ideas about God e.g that he is and old man
2.6 Why is religious art acceptable?
Jesus was fully human so it is acceptable to depict with human images, any representation that captures Jesus’ human qualities is acceptable, Jesus can be shown as any ethnicity, art an be used as a focus for prayer and inspiration
2.7 What does the statue of Christ the Redeemer show?
Reminded of God’s continuous love, outstretched arms reminder that Jesus accepted death, symbol of obedience to God, loves all people
2.7 What does the Sacred heart show?
Holes show nails from the cross, expression of love and peace, crown of thorns around heart show suffering, piercing through heart as he was pierced in his side, flames show God’s burning love for all
2.7 What does the Crucifix symbolise?
Reminder of pain and suffering, Jesus freed us from sin and death, everyone has the chance of eternal life with God
2.7 What are some opposing attitudes to statues and sculptures?
2nd commandment forbids to use images in worship, don’t know what Jesus looked like so we can’t depict him physically, could destroy understanding of Jesus’ divinity, can help concentrate on Jesus’ life and teachings
2.8 What are the Beatitudes?
Jesus gave a sermon with a call to people to change their attitudes
2.8 Give an example of a beatitude
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5
2.8 Give a quote from the parable of the sheep and goats
“Just as you did it to one of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Matthew 25
2.8 What does this parable teach?
Jesus tells his followers that they must care for people who are in need, anyone who ignores the needs of others will be damned and those who care will be rewarded in heaven
2.9 Give a quote from St Irenaeus
“Life in man is the glory of God; the life of man in the vision of God.”
2.9 What does St Irenaeus teach?
The son was with the father from the beginning, the word of God spoke through the OT and inspired through visions and dreams, through the word we receive God’s grace, qualities of Jesus are the same qualities of God and are human qualities, Jesus is the perfect human
2.10 What is a heresy?
A belief that goes against the accepted teachings of the Church
2.10 Quote from Dei Verbum 4.
“The word made flesh, was send ‘as a man to men’… God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death…”
2.10 What does Dei Verbum 4 teach?
Jesus was sent as a human so stresses his human nature, God is revealed through Jesus so he is fully God
2.10 Quote from Verbum Domini 12
“The eternal word became small - small enough to fit into a manger…”
2.10 What does Verbum Domini teach?
Word of God was limited to human nature, Jesus always obeyed God, it is through dying that led to Jesus’ resurrection
2.11 What is Grace?
God’s gift of unconditional love to believers
2.11 Explain the two gifts of God’s love
Incarnation - Jesus was an example of how to live according to God’s will
Grace - Jesus’ spirit is still active, sharing life and love through grace
2.12 What is a sacrament?
An “outward sign of inward grace”, grace is given each time a sacrament is received
2.12 What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism - cleansing of sins/child of God
Confirmation - receiving gifts of HS/faith strengthened
Eucharist - receiving fullness of Christ/grow in God’s love
Marriage - accepting each other as husband/wife
Ordination - conferring dignity of priesthood/commit to Church
Reconciliation - passing on of God’s power of forgiveness/restore relationship
Sacrament of Sick - strengthening and forgiveness
2.13 What does imago dei mean?
‘Image of God’, we are all made in God’s image and likeness
2.13 Why do Catholics disagree with abortion?
Human life begins at conception
2.13 What do Catholic do to minimise abortion?
Support pro-life charities and campaign to reduce abortion limit, help women financially or emotionally, even children with disabilities should be cared for