Judaism Beliefs Chapter 9 Flashcards
9.1 What are the natures and concepts of God?
Monotheistic - one God, is creator, sustainer, judge and lawgiver
9.1 Why do some people write G-d?
Prefer not to write God as a sign of respect, his name can never be destroyed, all books containing his name are sacred/cannot be destroyed
9.1 What is the Shema?
Declaration of faith, “Hear O Israel, The lord is our God, the Lord alone.” Deuteronomy 6
9.2 What are Jewish beliefs about creation?
God created the universe out of nothing, Orthodox believe it was literally created in 6 days, others believe it is not literal, God rested on Shabbat
9.2 What 3 things is God?
Omnipotent - all powerful
Omniscient - all knowing
Omnipresent - everywhere at all times
9.2 What do Jews believe about evil and free will?
God must have created evil himself as he is the creator of everything but he gave free will to choose what is right
9.2 What do Jews believe about God as sustainer?
God created and sustains the universe, provides resources for all species, we distribute them unequally due to free will
9.3 What are Jewish beliefs about God as lawgiver?
God gave Jews laws to obey, 10 commandments are foundation of these laws, Torah contains 613 laws, mitzvot contain code of conduct for Jewish life
9.3 What are beliefs about God as judge?
God judges people based on how well they follow their given laws, judgement happens at Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year) and after death
9.3 What are beliefs about the divine presence/Shekhinah?
Means ‘God’s divine presence’, refers to God’s presence of earth, Tabernacle was the early dwelling place of God’s divine presence, Jews were lead through the wilderness by fire, is associated with God’s presence among people and the spirit of God
9.4 What are Jewish beliefs about Heaven and Sheol?
The good will enter Gan Eden while other will go to Sheol where souls wait to be cleansed
9.4 What do Jews believe about judgement after death?
God will judge everyone on the day of Judgement and decide who goes to heaven and hell, however Jews should focus on the present rather than the afterlife
9.5 What do Jews believe about the Messiah?
Refers to future leader of Jews, Orthodox believe it will be a descendant from King David and he will rule with justice, he will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and lead Jews back to Israel, Reform Jews reject the idea of a Messiah and believe everyone should work together for peace, Messiah is not Jesus
9.6 What do Jews believe about Abraham and the Promised Land? (& quote)
Abraham worshiped one God, travelled to Canaan, God told Abraham “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and I will make your name great.” Gen 12, God promises that Canaan is the Promised Land
9.6 What do Jews believe about the covenant with Abraham?
Benefits both parties, are still applied today, God has specifically chosen Jews as his people, circumcision proved Abraham’s acceptance of God, God enabled Sarah to have a baby
9.7 What do Jews believe about the escape from Egypt?
Jews were slaves, Moses was chosen by God through a burning bush, asked the pharaoh to release Jews, plagues were sent, Red sea was parted
9.7 What do Jews believe about the 10 commandments?
God gave 4 laws on the relationship between God and Jews and 6 about their relationships with each other, form the basis of the covenant between God and Jews
9.7 Quote from Exodus 20 (commandments)
“Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.”
9.8 What do Jews believe about justice?
Duty to bring what is right and fair or making up for a wrongdoing, prophets were sent to help people understand justice, everyone must live their lives correctly according to the Torah
9.8 What do Jews believe about Healing the world?
Motivates people to get involved with social justice, charity, helping the environment, obeying mitzvot to become closer to God spiritually
9.8 What do Jews believe about kindness? (& quote)
Torah spells out how to be kind to others, positive laws encourage acts of kindness, “Love your fellow as yourself” Leviticus 19
9.9 What does sanctity of life mean?
Humans are created in the image of God so life is holy and sacred as it was given by God
9.9 What do Jews believe about ending life?
Life is sacred and belongs to God so preserving life is a duty, some believe patients should be kept alive no matter what but other believe you shouldn’t keep people in pain
9.9 What are Jewish beliefs about saving a life?
Pikuach nefesh, saving a life is more important than other responsibilities and laws, eg Shabbat means no work but if saving a life meant to work then the Shabbat law can be left aside
9.10 What do Jews believe about the mitzvot?
Means commandment, laws about worship, family and conduct, 248 positive, 365 negative, following these makes it impossible to disobey God
9.10 What are mitzvot between man and God?
4 commandments are about a person’s relationship with God, give guidance on how to improve relationship with God
9.10 What are mitzvot between man and man?
A person must love God and their neighbour, a person who does not love others means they do not love God, help to live as true members of their community