Triune God Flashcards
What are the different types of music in worship?
- Psalms,plainchant,traditional hymns,contemporary songs
What are the benefits of music?
- Unites people in praise
- Inspires people to praise God
- Helps people to feel more involved in worship
- Increases beauty of worship
What is a plainchant and examples?
Peices of poetry from the book of Psalms in the old testement.
- Used during mass
- The Lord’s my shepered
Why are Psalms used in worship?
- To praise God
- Cover a wide range of human experience and emotions
- Everything comes from God
Why is plainchant used in worship?
- Considered it to be ideal to use in mass
Whats a traditional hymn and example?
- Religious songs that praise God
- Usually sung in congregation
- the lord is my shepered
Why are traditional hymns used in worship?
- Help people to feel involved in worship
What are contemporary worship songs and examples?
- Religious songs that have been written recently used to worship
- Amaizing grace
Why are contemporary music used in worship?
- To make people feel involved
- Some people think it is disrespectful
What are mass settings and examples?
- Parts of mass that are sung rather than said
- Alleluia
- Before 1960’s sang by choir
Why are mass settings used in worship?
- Help people feel more involved
What is the gloria and when is it used?
- A hymn to praise God’s glory and goodness
- Used near begining of mass
- Not used in advent and Lent
What is Alleluia and when is it used?
- a hebrew word meaning praise God and announces the presence of Christ
- Used to introduce the reading of the Gospel at mass.
- Not used during mass
What is sanctus and when is it used?
- A latin word meaning holy and a hymn to praise holiness
- Used before the Eucharistic prayer in mass
- Not used during mass and lent
What is the mystery of faith and when is it used?
- An acknowledgement that Christs life and death has been made present through consecration.
- Used after consecration when body and blood become body of christ
How is the trinity presented in Deteronomy 6:4?
- The Lord alone stress there is only one God
- Through teaching of God beleive God is three persons
- Even though there are 3 seperate persons there is one God which forms trinity
Deuteronomy 6:4?
“Hear O Isreal: The Lord is our God, The Lord alone”
How is Trinity presented in Mathew 3:16-17?
- The Holy spirit is the love that unites The father and the Son.
- Holy spirit is a dove and comes down to stay with Jesus
- The father is the voice from heaven
- Father calls Jesus his son
- Jesus’ baptism is where God reveals him as the trinity
Mathew 3:16-17?
This is my son, the beloved with whom I am well pleased
How is trinity presented in Galatians 4:6?
- Helps explain relationship between Trinity and a christian.
- Christians are Gods children and brother to Jesus
What does Genesis 1-13 talk about the trinity?
How God created the universe
How does beleif in Trinity influence christians?
- the love of the father and son which is the holy spirit
- Christians beleive love flows outwards and into peoples hearts
What does mission involve?
- Sending out people to help others
- For example missionaries sent out by church to help people in poverty
What does Evangelism involve?
- Preaching the good news about Jesus to other people
- Share their kniwledge and experience of christianity
How does God share love in Mission?
- Share the love of God
- Love others as God loves them
How does God share love in Evangelism?
- Inspired by holy spirit to share knowledge
- want to help others experience the joy,peace and love that they experience as christians
Whats Mark 1:9-11?
Mathews account of Jesus’ baptism is similar to Marks
- Confirms God is a trinity of 3 persons
- Shows trinity was involved in salvation brought about by Jesus’ life,death and ressurection
Whats Galatians 4:6-7?
- Shows that like Jesus christians are children of God and have an intimate relationship with God
- Holy Spirit is shared by all beleivers
- Relationship between father,the son and holy spirit are the same
Who was St Augustine?
- Theologian born in 4th century and wrote on the trinity.
What did St Augustine say?
- God is love
- Love can’t exist on it’s own
- Three person united in love
Focuses on relationship between Trinity
Who’s Catherine LaCugna?
American Theologian who lived in second half of 20th century
What was the difference between catherine and augustine?
LaCugna placed more importance on the outward effect on the Trinity she thought the best was was to understand God
What was the authority of the Magesterium?
- Jesus followers was known as 12 apostles
- They chose someone a new place to preach and they’d beacome a bishop
- Pope and Bishop form magesterium teaching the catholic authority.
What was the council of Nicaea
When the Pope and Bishops discuss important things
What is the symbolism of Baptism?
New stage of life. Joining with Jesus’ death and ressurection
Why is baptism important?
- person becomes a child of God
- It cleanses a person of all their sins
- Fills person with holy spirit
- It shares the life of the father,the son,and holy spirit
What is a prayer?
- conversation between person and God
- Inspired by holy spirit
- When a person opens up to God
Whats a traditional prayer?
Prayer passed down through generations
Whats a spontaneous prayer?
- No set format of words and beleive holy spirit guides them
Why would people use traditional prayer?
- Dont have to come up with words and allow to open up to God
- when upset familliar words come to you
Why do people use spontaneous prayer?
- Open up to God about concerns and worries.
- Develop relationship with God
What does Kneeling mean?
- Sign of humility and asking for forgiveness
What does Genuflecting mean?
- sign of respect
Whats prostrating?
- a sign of humality and submission to God
- Position pleading for mercy
- Gives self up to God
What does standing mean?
- A sign of respect
- Shows readiness to act on behalf of God
What does bowing mean?
- sign of respect
- Sign of praise to God
What does sitting mean?
More comfortable position allowing concentration of God
Whats standing wigh arms stretched out mean?
- Asking for God’s help
- Show’ person is willing to accept Whatever God sends
Standing with arms raised meaning?
A sign of praise for God’s greatness and glory
- Focuses above heaven
What does walking mean?
- Christians who don’t want to confine prayer
What does joining hands mean?
- a sign of asking
- Request for help from God
What does open hands mean?
- sign of praise
- Shows acceptence of what God sends