Eschatology Flashcards
When is paschal candle used?
- baptism,funeral and Easter Vigil
What does parts or paschal candle represent?
- Candle (risen christ)
- Alpha and omega represent christ is eternal
- 5 grains of incense represnt 5 wounds
How does last judgement reflect catholic beleifs?
- Christ is centeral figure emphasising judge of all
- Christ’ right hand is raised reflecting parable of sheep and Goat
- Everyone except Jesus and Mary is naked showing everyone is equal
Features and meaning of tombstone?
- RIP expresses hope that person is in heaven
- tombstone of cross indicates person beleived in Jesus and eternal life
Monument features and meanings?
- Wealthy christians burried in Sarcophagi shows they beleived in Jesus
- Decorated with skeletons saying they face death and judgement like everyone else
Remberence gardens features and meaning?
- areas of peace and beauty (reflect on peace and beauty of heaven)
What will happen after cosmic disaster?
- Son of Man will come to judge whole creation
- End of current will order to lead to creation
- Reign of God established
Christians beleif on end of time?
- Jesus’ ressurection meant end of world would happen shortly
- All people resurected the taken up presence of God
Christians beleifs about ressurection over the years?
- Live in life of ressurection
- Prepares judgement after death
What does St Paul say in his letter of ressurection?
- Compares earthly body and the ressurected body to the relationship between a seed and a plant. Jesus was ressurected in full body
What are the 4 last things?
- Death
- Judgement
- Heaven
- Hell
Whats death?
- Transition to a new phase of life
- When body dies soul continues to live on
- Soul judged by God
Whats Judgement?
- When die they’ll be judged by God
- God will consider everything a person has done in life
- God’s judgement will be merciful
What’s heaven?
- If people are judged favourably they’ll enter heaven
- state of eternal happiness in presence of God
Whats Hell?
- If people are judged unfavourably they’ll enter hell
- Hell is state of seperation from God
What’s purgatory?
- effects of sins are removed so person can feel happy in prescence of God
- Can be quickened by people doing prayers
What’s particular judgement?
- Happens immediately after person dies
- When God Judges on personal individual bases
- Results in the person going heaven,hell or purgatory
What’s final judgement?
- Happens end of time
- Christ will come in glory at end of time
- Reign of God will be established
Other christian beleifs about purgatory?
- Don’t beleive in purgatory
- Judgement doesn’t happen after death
Whats the Rich man and Lazurus?
- A rich man who never gave food to the poor and there was a homeless man in front of his gate and he ignored him. Rich man went hell, Lazurus went heaven. Rich man calls out to Abraham
What is cosmic reconciliation?
- God the father created the universe with God the son
- Sin broke harmony
- Jesus was able to destroy power of sin and death
- Whole creation fully restored and made perfect at end of time
What did the second vatican council say about the end of time?
- Christ will come in glory as the judge and saviour
- No one should automatically think they should go heaven or hell
- ## God doesn’t send people to hell
A quote preparing for end of time?
- “since however we know not the day nor the hour. On our Lord’s advice we must be constantly vigilant”
Anointing of sick actions and meanings?
- Preist sparkles room with holy water
(Rem of baptism) - Lays hands on head of sick person (Holy spirit fills person to give beleif)
- Blesses an oil (hope of new life)
- Holy communion is given (christ is present)
What happens in vaticum action and meaning?
- Dying person holds crucifix (sharing christs death)
- Repeat promises at baptism (reminded faith of God)
- Bible reading and prayer given (God is with them)
- Person recieves last holy communion (christ is with the On new journey)
What happens in reception of body and meaning?
- Body taken to church in coffin (Deceased person taken back to God)
- Church doors coffin is sprinkled with holy water (reminder of baptism)
- Coffin is placed by Paschal candle (shows the light of risen christ)
Funeral mass meaning and what happens?
- Priest holds mass (praying around deceased person) (requiem)
- readings of mass focus of effect of christs ressurection
(Reflects christ’s death and ressurection made life after death possible.
What happens in cremation and meaning?
- Holy water sprinkled (baptism)
- Waves smoke (rep peoples prayers)
- Say lazurus story (hope they’ll meet deceased person again)
- Prayer said for mourners (hope they’ll meet them again)
- Lord’s prayer is said (child of God)
What does church teach on care of dying?
- All human life is holy and sacred
- All human life should be respected
- All life belongs to God
- People have duty to give ill and elderly all care and support they need
Why is catholic church against euthinasia?
- considered murder and unacceptable
- only God has right to take life away
- lowers value of life
- suffering is being part of human
What did Julian of Norwich say?
- She asked Jesus why there is heaven and hell.
- Jesus replied “there should be sin,but all will be well”
- This is because God gave free will